Recent content by NewPoolLuke

  1. N

    Pentair IntelliCenter Review and Information

    That makes perfect sense! I'll give them a call and see about getting the beta link, thanks for the sleuthing to figure it out.
  2. N

    Pentair IntelliCenter Review and Information

    My firmware version and the release notes on the panel say v1.023. When I attempt to update it, it claims I have the latest version. In the system information screen the "Firmware Version" line says something kind of odd: "11:06:17". Panel manufacture date was Jan 18th, 2019 and the serial...
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  5. N

    Pentair IntelliCenter Review and Information

    So now this looks like you might be able to set a circuit in a group to explicitly turn it off if it's on from another source perhaps? For example, if I have a schedule that is running and turns on a 'cleaner' circuit, I could have a circuit group for 'swimming' that explicitly turns off the...
  6. N

    Pentair IntelliCenter Review and Information

    That sounds pretty cool, I'd love to learn more. I'm still moving into our new home so all of my tinkering gear is squirreled away in UHaul boxes at the moment, but as soon as I get more settled I'd love to contribute where I can!
  7. N

    Pentair IntelliCenter Review and Information

    You can theoretically buy all IC components a la carte, but all the popular bundles include a "personality kit" (essentially the motherboard and possibly additional daughterboard(s)), a load center enclosure and the Wifi kit. Here's Pentair's product SKU list that might make it clearer.
  8. N

    Pentair IntelliCenter Review and Information

    @MyAZPool New user here on TFP, want to first thank you for the incredible amount of detail and work you've put into documenting your IntelliCenter experience. Not only did it help a total pool newbie understand the state of the union for pool automation overall, but helped me understand general...