Recent content by Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

  1. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    New guy.

  2. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh


  3. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh


    Found a new critter in the pool today. 2 horsehair worms. Learn something new every day. They can be infested in bugs such as crickets (which they are in season in NW Ohio) and when adult stage, can leave their host and into water to leave to find a new host or to multiply. Good note is they...
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  6. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Let Me Pull Up a Chair....

    I do believe the cell can be in the downward position. some plumbing to be done but you could put the cell just below the 90 going down. Obviously you would need to measure to see it if would fit. Worst case, get a new T for where your booster is. Cut off as close to the edge of both sides...
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  8. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Let Me Pull Up a Chair....

    Looking great! I switched over from Baqucil to SWG at opening and had to relearn pool testing. Overwhelming at first but I was diligent with nightly testing after the sunset. I was able to dialin my SWG RJ30+ to around 30-40% running on a timer from 6am to 930pm for my 13,700 gallon pool with...
  9. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Pink algae

    No, I never used Assist. I tried the Awesome product but it didn't remove everything either. Line Cleaner may have helped but still found the gunk in other areas. I believe that by 2018, my Baquacil AD system finally died. I was adding in a calculated amount of Oxidizer, Sanitizer and...
  10. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Pink algae

    Yep, had me one of them thar fancy chocolate shakes. If you plan to convert, this is the place for answers and encouragement. The recent recorded webinars have been very informative. The test kits spoken here are top notch, easy to use even for a colorblinded joe like myself. Hope you can...
  11. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Pink algae

    Nice village, been there many times. The Barn still a favorite restaurant, was there a few weeks ago after seeing the new 'town' at the Village to the North. Here was my step by step, almost day to day conversion: May the fun begin - conversion of 15 yr Baquacil pool Its long but very...
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  14. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Pink algae

    IF you plan to stay with Baquacil, to get rid of the white mold you'll need several gallons of Oxidizer, Line Cleaner if you can find it and the non-chlorine powder shock. You will need to tear down and clean your filter. Most likely a sand filter? You'll need to pull off the multi-port and...
  15. Matt_PEBKAC_Oh

    Slow Baqua Conversion

    It took 12 days before mine converted and I changed the filter. I had sand but wanted better and installed DE. My first 7-8 days I was working from home and I was testing and adding as needed every hour or two, from 7am to 10 pm. Ran pump non-stop. Even after all thar chlorine, about 24-25...