Recent content by F-ACE

  1. F-ACE

    Keeping up FC in Texas Heat

    Thanks....How will you keep the FC up there for next few TEXAS months...I assume trichlor and dichlor and cal-Hypo are all slow FC releases????
  2. F-ACE

    Keeping up FC in Texas Heat

    Totally messed this up...yes I meant Cal-Hypo Trichlor every 10ppm FC increase, also increase CYA by 6ppm. Dichlor every 10ppm FC increase, also increase CYA by 9ppm. Cal-Hypo every 10ppm FC increase, also increase Calcium by 7ppm. I get Liquid Chlorine at Home Depot for $9 for three 1 gallons...
  3. F-ACE

    Keeping up FC in Texas Heat

    Yes agree on the raising of CYA and pucks combination. When looking at numbers in $$$. This is what I'm brainstorming with. I paid less than $100 to fill about 28000 gal of water last year after draining my pool. I used now about 30 gal of liquid chlorinate (does not add CYA) to slam = $90...
  4. F-ACE

    Keeping up FC in Texas Heat

    Got yellow algae. Slammed the pool for 5 days and then slammed for yellow mustard up to 29.4 FC for last day, because CYA is 50. 2 days later now the FC is already at 13FC. New numbers today: CYA 50 FC 13 CH 300-325 TA 90-100 PH 7.5 Quite intense how many liquid chlorite gallons used in this...
  5. F-ACE

    Yellow Mustard Algae

    Been reading up more...Reference to my first post above...Will I have to do the regular slam first until OCLT...That will mean only get FC up first to about 18 for a 45 is for yellow mustard algae....and those numbers for FC is higher.
  6. F-ACE

    Yellow Mustard Algae

    FC:4 CC:0 CH:275 TA:70 CYA:between 40-50 lowered PH to 7.2 so I can start slamming soon. I put chlorinator on zero opening now to not add CYA till after slam with my trichlor-pucks. Bought liquid chlorinate (12x 1gal at 10%) I see slamming yellow algae I must get FC up to 29???? I brushed pool...
  7. F-ACE

    Re-filled my pool 2 months ago.

    Thanks....Pool calculator wanted me to put in 3 cups of muriatic acid to lower the PH....I only put in 2 cups. I also liked your CYA note, that because of cold weather I can let the pucks do its job in releasing slow CYA till after the winter. Will test the PH today again. Thanks a million.
  8. F-ACE

    Re-filled my pool 2 months ago.

    New testing today. Temperature is 60F. CYA is probably only 10. Decided to gradually let CYA accumulate from pucks as it is winter. CL=1 PH=7.8 FC=1.5 CC=0 Total Chlorine (TC)= 1.5+0=1.5 Calcium Hardness 250 TA=140 Any suggestions.
  9. F-ACE

    Austin Pool Refill

    Test today showed: PH=7.5 FC=0.5 CC=0 TC=0.5 CH=(225-250 range) TA=(150-160 range) CYA=0 Temperature of water 50F Can I wait to let tabs add the CYA over the next 4 months to spring....trichlor tablets add CYA....Pool had to be drained because of CYA150...dont want to get caught again...
  10. F-ACE

    Austin Pool Refill

    Austin, Texas. 28000 gal. Outdoor, In ground plaster pool. 48sq ft DE filter. Tabs chlorinator attached. 1.0HP pump. Dolphin Premier Robot Cleaner. Is this what you mean?? If not give me a sample what you looking for, so I can get better in this. Thanks.
  11. F-ACE

    Austin Pool Refill

    Austin, Texas. 28000 gal. Outdoor, In ground plaster pool. 48sq ft DE filter. Tabs chlorinator attached. 1.0HP pump. Dolphin Premier Robot Cleaner. Is this what you mean?? If not give me a sample what you looking for, so I can get better in this. Thanks.
  12. F-ACE

    Austin Pool Refill

    Thanks. I have 28000gal pool. You correct in the pucks will add CYA...I meant that I was going to introduce CYA from the other ingredients like the pucks, but not focus on an individual item assigned to add CYA....Totally follow you....Will start slow with the Muriatic...thanks for the...
  13. F-ACE

    Austin Pool Refill

    Austin water. CYA is zero. Free Chlorine is 0.5 . Combined Chlorine very low about zero. TA is between 130-150. PH is high and looks like more than 8.2 . Calcium Hardness is 125 to 150. Not going to worry yet about CYA as water is very cold and gradually get the CYA up in next 3 to 4 months...
  14. F-ACE

    Austin Pool Refill

    Refilling pool because CYA number made a turn at 150 a month ago. Drained all. Will know soon how many gallons it took. TF-100 kit arrived yesterday. Pool is half filled so far. Any suggestions what to do as I am waiting for pool to fill to get a head start??