LED Screen Cage Lights


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2024

Does anyone have any good suggestions for LED cage lights. I was looking at the ones that go on the upper cage tracks but it looks like you can't just buy the kits to do them yourself which is annoying because the companies that do them completely overcharge for what they really are. Does anyone know where you can just buy the tracks the LED light strips go into? If not any good suggestions for a cage with panoramic screen in the back(no pillars in the middle, only on the corner sides).

Thank you!
Yes I have one for my new OB pool. They're becoming more popular these days and really set off the view if you have something scenic behind the pool like a lake or ocean view. I have a panoramic or picture window cage that's being designed and fabricated now. Permitting for the cage needs to have a stamped drawing from a registered Florida PE. Not all that difficult to do unless your dimensions are super large. My window is 32' long, 10' high and faces almost due west over a lake behind our lot. The drawing will also have to stipulate the footer design. In most cases a 12" X 12" deep footer with one or two rebar rods seems to be standard. Check your permit to see what inspections are required. Will probably be at least a footer form inspection and equipotential bonding inspection. I'm in Martin County and permitting is pretty straight-forward in most Florida locations. What county are you in and what are your approximate dimensions?

Mine is not lighted and if I was to do that I'd look at something that clips on rather than a track. @Katodude has used LED strip lighting at the water line using the LED's that are in a plastic tube... looks great! I think this might be a better solution for you. Tracks could be pretty prone to obstructions and damage over time from insects/weather. You'll need to think about power and getting it supplied/concealed.

I hope this is helpful.

You have a few options for DIY.

I use IP67 LED light strips that I buy off eBay. They are 20M RGB, I use the 24v ones as they provide consistent power through the entire 20M. They can be powered from both ends so you can cut them and make two strips. I dont know how long of a run you have. Quality varies greatly and since they come from China no way to know. The first ones I used lasted 5 years. The latest batch about a year. They are only about $60 each so replacing them is not a huge deal (except for my labor).

I have also heard great things about the Govee permanent lights. I am thinking about installing them on the soffit of the house for Christmas (and other occasion) light. They are on sale now, but they have a sale about every 2 months.

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Thanks for all the responses. The ones I have seen on a few neighbors are similar to the ones in the picture below. The problem is they charge a ridiculous amount for what they really are. It's basically just an aluminum strip that snaps onto the existing cage with LED strip lights in them. Super simple to install but I can't find the pieces that snap on the frame......they claim they are patent pending. The ones that @ajw22 pointed out would be great but like I said I have a panoramic view so I don't have any support beams for a 36' stretch so they won't work/look right.

Any other suggestions?


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If you want something that resembles that just buy the Govee lights. They come with an adhesive backing. If not you can always use silicone adhesive to attach them.
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