New house with pool


Active member
May 13, 2022
Philly PA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Just got a house with a pool. Never had a pool before. It is an 18000 gallon pool that has not been opened for a couple of years. I will vsccum it all out but does it need to be drained or can I start with the water in there and get the chemistry right? The water isn't scummy you can see the bottom.
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Be careful about emptying the pool totally. Typically you keep a couple feet or so of water in the pool to keep the pool shell stable, or if it's a vinyl pool, to help keep the liner and walls in place. Once you refill, follow the SLAM Process to kill and remove algae. The link below is a great resource as well.

I thought I'd be able to welcome someone to TFP Today, but those swamp haters (people who want to transform every swampy pool into a crystal clear paradise) always beat me to it...

Anyways, welcome to TFP.

You are going to need a test kit. Get either a Taylor K-2006C or a TF-100 (the later is more affordable and also uses Taylor reagents). See Test Kits Compared

Please post pictures of your pool and of the equipment so folks here can help you identify what you have. Check out how to Create Your Signature - Further Reading.

Welcome aboard! We get a lot of folks here just like you. Unfortunately also many visited their local pool store and got a lot of bad advice from their "free testing" that then led to BIG $$$$ on special potions. This goes on and on then eventually, out of desperation they searched for a better answer and found us. We don't sell anything, all we have is volunteer experts and pool enthusiasts that volunteer their time to teach you TFP pool methods. They are dirt cheap since we use generic chemicals you can get at big box stores and are identical to the PS chemicals - but way cheaper. People logically assume the pool stores have experts so their tests must be more accurate and they must have better chemicals. We find that's just not correct. The test kits we recommend are recommended because they work and easily get you reliable, more accurate results right out of the box; not because we make any money on them. You can buy at lots of outlets - your choice. One thing we'd ask is that you complete your "signature". This helps us be more efficient with volunteer time and it gets you answers quicker since you have the basic information about your pool that we need to provide advice.

I've been here since 2015 and found this site invaluable for pool care advice. So much so that I now help others too. So again welcome, I hope you find this site as helpful as I have.

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No worries, we can help. Until you get the test kit, do the following:
1. If you have a filter with a multiport valve, vacuum to WASTE as much as you can. Get as much junk out of the pool as you can.
2. Add only one gallon of liquid chlorine to the water each day as you continue to brush and scoop small debris. The one gallon isn't the start of the SLAM Process, it's only about 5 ppm in your pool. But it could help slow the algae.
3. Once you get the TF-100, post those test results. We'll coach you from there.
TF100 test kit just came so I will test the ph. Then adjust ph and add bleach?
Yes, you'll need to just follow the SLAM process. I'll add a short video below for reference. Get as much of the gunk out before you start as possible; it just consumes more chlorine. Check the FC level frequently and bring it back to SLAM level. Several times per day for the first few days on a pool like yours will help a lot. Get used to using a lot of chlorine. For some reason when people do this first time they're reluctant to add enough and this just prolongs the agony. Plus takes a LOT more chlorine. Also, ignore pH after you get above 10 ppm FC. High levels of FC interfere with the pH test. This is why you need to adjust pH first.

Keep us posted and ask any questions.



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I just checked my cya ppm. 0 ppm. Is 4 pounds per 10,000 gallons per 30ppm? Or is something else suggested? Also where should I buy cya?
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I just checked my cya ppm. 0 ppm. Is 4 pounds per 10,000 gallons per 30ppm? Or is something else suggested? Also where should I buy cya?
If you're in a hurry you can get it at the big box stores. Just make sure it only includes only trichlor - no additives on the ingredients list. I prefer solid since it's cheaper but many also use liquid since it dissolves quicker. I found the sock method with a squeeze or two worked well and completely dissolved in 2 days.
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Put it in a sock and tie it off (twine). Put it in the skimmer for 30 minutes.

Come back and Squeeze, Sqeeze, Squeeze. I can get 7 lbs into my pool in 30 minutes of squeezing. Or you can squeeze a bit, let it sit, come back and squeeze some more...
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I have gotten the CYA to 40 PPM but all the other results are out of wack:
pH 6.8
TA 20
CH 50 ppm

Which order do I work on these in? Washing Soda, Baking Soda & Calcium Chloride
And use pool math to calculate amounts to add?

Add 12 lbs of baking soda. Will raise TA by 44, and pH by .1. Then retest. Double check that with “effects of adding” in pool math.

Ch doesn’t matter in a pool, generally. If you like you can add calcium chloride to get CH up to 200. Makes a difference in the feel to some, some believe that calcium is being used in the binders of some liner, and if you have a heater, you want CH to be 200/225.
You may find your pH is 7.0 after baking soda, which is fine. It will rise over time. I left a bit of room so you can use some washing soda after baking sod if you want to raise pH.
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