Help me pick a kul bot!

Just read some DX4 reviews and some reviews for the others. Seems there’s varying opinions on all. Whelp that does not help!
I often find myself reading reviews and imediately finding problems with them. Soooooooo many people do things wrong or expect too much of an item.

Or I finally think I found a fair review and 3 paragraphs in I realize it's a different item than the one I'm looking at.

Here, you get real world folks that will give you a fair review, good or bad.

I do like that $60 warranty if you can't get similar from Marina. I will strongly consider that myself soon, and I'm normally very anti-extended warranty.
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I do like that $60 warranty if you can't get similar from Marina. I will strongly consider that myself soon, and I'm normally very anti-extended warranty.
On that we are opposites my friend! I’m a sucker for a good warranty for pricey purchases. Hope to never have to use it, but it’s nice to throw my hands up if something happens and call for help. I’ll let you know what the Denver folks say when they call me back.
I'm extra selective and only on particularly failure prone purchases. Otherwise I am up $20k in skipping extended warranties for the last 25 years and can purchase a second new appliance if I get a dud, still remaining way ahead. Especially vehicles. 7 vehicles later, I can have a $12k failure and still be ahead.

$60 on a $700 robot that pretty much guaranteed to fail in 5 years or less ? That'll get me buying one too. :ROFLMAO:
Wow @Mdragger88 I wonder if refurbished is the way to go. They are 200-300 cheaper. Hmmm. I did find their filter of “waterline/wall/ floor” helpful. Much easier than clicking through 75 variations
I went that route via poolpartz mainly due to cost - the warranty is reduced to a year but my visa extends that by another year. My unit looked & operates as new- shipped directly from Maytronics in Georgia.
It was a risk I was ok with taking for the savings being that they seem to have a finite life due to the way they are made.
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Spoke with the famous Ms Margaret. I can see why people like her! Her feeling was that either the S200, Dx4, or the Pentair Prowler 920 would be appropriate.

She said that the PP920 comes with two filters - a regular and fine. Do I really need two filter choices? PP920 is what she currently has in stock and her price was good. The PP920 is not on Amazon so I can’t compare directly.

However Amazon has that additional 3 year warranty after the two years ends.
Regarding warranty from Marina upon purchase- she said it’s 2 years. They don’t offer anything further.

So now I’m trying to decide between the two choices below:
1. Buy the PP920 from Marina with the two year warranty. Upside? 2 filters?

2. Pay about $200 more and buy the DX4 from Amazon which will also include an additional 3 year warranty for a total of 5 years. This robot comes with one filter.

Would appreciate some thoughts.
Spoke with the famous Ms Margaret. I can see why people like her! Her feeling was that either the S200, Dx4, or the Pentair Prowler 920 would be appropriate.

She said that the PP920 comes with two filters - a regular and fine. Do I really need two filter choices? PP920 is what she currently has in stock and her price was good. The PP920 is not on Amazon so I can’t compare directly.

However Amazon has that additional 3 year warranty after the two years ends.
Regarding warranty from Marina upon purchase- she said it’s 2 years. They don’t offer anything further.

So now I’m trying to decide between the two choices below:
1. Buy the PP920 from Marina with the two year warranty. Upside? 2 filters?

2. Pay about $200 more and buy the DX4 from Amazon which will also include an additional 3 year warranty for a total of 5 years. This robot comes with one filter.

Would appreciate some thoughts.
If u have alot of pollen or dust the extra fine filters are helpful.
For my nautilus cc its another whole basket & it costs about $80
It looks like all 3 are the same robot with different labels. The Dx4's that first came up in a search were different but clicking on them they were the original (old, discontinued model). Now they look like S200s.

You have a tough decision and I don't envy you having to make it. The extended warranty sure is nice, but for 20% or 25% ? That's a good chunk towards the next one if it lasts like most do.
It looks like the DX4 comes with fine filters if that helps.
I am on the fence for the DX4 or the Triton PS
They are the same units but the Triton has a larger filter basket, so they say.
I think the DX4 is the same as my S300i which is not running, so I might be able to use the filters from the 300 in the DX4
The Triton is smaller and weighs less
looks like all 3 are the same robot with different labels
Yes. Per Margaret, they are all the same.

The extended warranty sure is nice, but for 20% or 25%
Yup. That’s the rub. I read posts regularly about the bots failing and how expensive parts can be so that’s definitely a factor.

DX4 comes with fine filters if that helps.
That does help. If the filters are already fine then I don’t need the other ones.

I might be able to use the filters from the 300 in the DX4
I looked on Amazon and in the descriptions of many filters, it seems the same filter fits many. This makes sense since they are essentially the same bot.

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Yup. That’s the rub. I read posts regularly about the bots failing and how expensive parts can be so that’s definitely a factor.
Never forget with any purchase, there are 12 million happy users too busy to come back and post a glowing review. 98% of folks with troubles end up online researching and/or complaining. So, I hear ya. But also remember the grand scheme of things.
I say order the cheaper one from Marina & use a cc with extended warranty protection. My signature visa extends the warranty another year.
Please do not base your decision on mine, but I just ordered the DX4.
My reasoning's were its the same as my 300 (which did a good job on my basic pool),
hoping to be able to use my old filters, it was in stock and will delivered 1-2 days.
I ordered off Amazon, but the seller is one that others here have used.
Time will tell if I made the right choice.

I looked up when I got my 300 and it was really close to 5 years when it stopped working.
It's a shame if something this costly is going to be considered a throw away item in 4-5 years.
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It's a shame if something this costly is going to be considered a throw away item in 4-5 years.
That’s for sure. Recently I read a few threads that seemed to indicate this was the case, but I am not sure as I have no experience owning/using a robot. Hopefully it will last a long time without issue. Which seller did you buy from? The seller I see On Amazon is “in the swim”. I bought my current suction vacuum from them and that was fine.

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