Brick coping with SWG?


New member
Jun 11, 2021
We’re putting in a fiberglass pool with SWG. I’ve wanted to do the coping with antique brick but I’m getting cold feet worried about the erosion, mortar sand getting in the pool, etc. We are also doing a brick wall with spouts out of the same antique brick (same we built the house with). My heart is set on brick and SWG. Am I making a mistake? Any tips, suggestions and warnings are greatly appreciated.
Brick buildings stand worldwide only feet from the oceans with 10X the salt content of a pool. Matter of fact, if a building has to be *really* close to the water they prefer brick in many instances.

Have at it. When the bricks finally need replacing, Your great grandchildren won’t like your style anyway. :)

Ooooooooooh yeah. Regular pools have salt too. About 5% of sea water. ‘Salt pools’ are 10% of sea water. So the people who claim the salt pool **anything bad** are saying that the 5% difference of sea water salt content somehow makes a difference. One of our memebers added a SWG recently and his salt content was too high and he had to drain 1/4 of the pool to lower it for the SWG to work.
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I love the brick coping! Post pics of the antique brick from the spout wall and/or your house!!!!

@Kathleen2252 , are those little color marks on your brick just age related or related to SWG or just artifact/dirt? I love the look. Maybe that wear and tear would add to the antique look anyway?
The bricks were installed in 1987 when the pool was built. They are bull nose around the pool and flat on retaning wall, patio, and deck trim.
They were purchased from an old warehouse in Los Angeles
They had old paint on them when installed
I'll take a few more pictures in a minute

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