Signs of a Failing SWG

Rancho Cost-a-Lotta

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Apr 10, 2018
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
Do SWG cells gradually decrease chlorine gas production as they near the end life, or do they just quit producing gas completely?

I have a Calimar 40K system which is essentially a re-branded SGS WAVE 40 and probably the same as a Circupool SJ-45. It's just over three years old. It's producing at less than 25% advertised capacity. I've confirmed this twice with overnight chlorine production tests and have ruled out organics with an OCLT. On each of the production tests, the SWG raised FC by 0.5. Running for six hours, it should have raised FC by 2.2 ppm. Salt level is within range according to my K-1766.

The controller is showing normal status. The cell is clear and I can see bubbles (gas) coming off the plates.

The system is very basic with no diagnostics. Is there a way to test the cell? Do pool stores have the ability to test cells?
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I don't have an swg, but it sounds like maybe it is due for a cleaning. If the plates aren't perfectly clean the production degrades.
The plates are clean (the cell is clear). I see a bit of build up on the electrodes. I'll clean it up today and try another OCPT tonight.
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Just from reading here it appears the CircuPool type SWCGs tend to decrease output as the get older. Increasing the salt level may help.

The two Pentair IC40's that I had to replace in the past year, both ran full steam until they did not.. They both worked until one day the cell light was flashing indicating they were dead.


Jim R.
Just from reading here it appears the CircuPool type SWCGs tend to decrease output as the get older. Increasing the salt level may help.
I added a couple bags of salt to bring me up to 4,400 after the first OCPT. No change.

These style SWGs also work a bit differently than most. They don't work on an on/off cycle to control production. Instead, they vary output percentage but are continuously producing gas during the run time.

Since I still have nearly two years left on the warranty, I called Custom Molded Products, the company that took over SGS Chlorinators. The rep said if the status light is green and I see bubbles, everything is good. He suggested I go to the pool store to check for phosphates and to confirm my test results :brickwall:. We discussed my FC levels (7.5 FC/80 CYA). The rep said my FC was too high and that I should be in the 1-3 ppm range. Arguing was futile.

I'm gonna try running in Boost mode tonight to see if it makes a difference.
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