Paver sealer - is a wet look ok, or too slippery


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
Syracuse, NY
I have a new patio around my pool, and I am going to seal the pavers. I like the wet look, and I've been told by the local landscaping supply shop that the "wet look" sealer won't be any more slippery as long as it's not high gloss (which it's not). Can anyone confirm that? Any issues with using "wet look" sealer around a pool?
Hard for us to comment without knowing the specific sealer product being propsed to be used. Then we will see if anyone here has experience with that product.
If you read the technical data sheet for that sealer, it says it will be more slippery when wet. I suspect the term "hybrid resins" means it is an acrylic sealer which is a surface sealer. The permanent wet look they say it has is probably only permanent for a few years before it starts flaking. Personally, I like penetrating sealers that contain silane-siloxane.
I have pavers and had them sealed with a wet look (not high gloss) water based sealer. Zero issues with slippage, but my pavers have a texture to them, so they're not smooth. In addition, the company did 3 coats, and added shark grip into the 3rd coat. I'm not sure that I needed the shark grip, but it was included.

You don't want an oil based sealer. It's considerably slicker, and if (read when) it fails, it costs more to clean off the old sealer than to reapply new product. If an oil based sealer fails, you can't just seal over it. Water based sealers penetrate into the pavers, and you can reapply sealer every 3-5 years without an issue.
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