Calcium Hypochlorite - Further Reading


Calcium Hypochlorite (Cal-Hypo) is a granular form of chlorine that adds both chlorine and calcium to your pool. For every one part per million Free Chlorine that is added using Cal-Hypo another 0.71 parts per million of Calcium is also added to the water.[1] Cal-Hypo is commonly sold in one pound packs or fifty pound buckets at major pools stores.

Side Effects

While Cal-Hypo can be beneficial to those with soft water, the calcium (CH) buildup should be monitored over the long term. In time if the CH level is allowed to buildup it could cause scaling on the walls of a pool or in the cells of Salt Water Generators. Additionally Cal-Hypo can cause cloudy water if to much is added at once.

How to Add

Dump into a bucket and then pour into the pool.