Yet another Texas pool build!

Oh yeah. Forgot about the test kit. Here's my arsenal.

Can't recommend the Speed Stir enough! The BBQ sauce bottle makes dispensing pool water into the vials a breeze. And the PVC pipe makes pulling pool water easy too.

I bought extra vials and stir magnets so I didn't have to rinse one between tests.

Our pool is about the same volume as yours. Your PB should do the startup, but if they don't I would get a gallon of MA and a couple gallons of bleach.

The pool math calculator should help you figure out needs. What I did was test the water after it filled and enter those values in pool math and start there.

Now I use Pool Pal on Android for daily test results and use Jesse's Graphical Spreadsheet for logs.

Consider getting latex gloves and goggles for MA. I added about 16 fluid ounces of MA to drop pH from 7.8 to 7.5. It's not a linear scale so to drop from 7.5 to 7.2 will require more. Our PB measured pH at 8.2 and they put in a whole gallon which dropped it lower than 6.8. Ugh.

Hope that helped somewhat.

Thanks! I'll definitely be stopping by the store later today to get all that I will need. Can you explain your tube to pull the water out of the pool? I already have the TF-100 and speed stir. I bought it like 6 months ago haha. I didn't want to have the shipping take too long so I wanted to make sure I had it on hand before my pebble. Little did I know I would have plenty of time.

So fun!!! Very happy to see you are finally finishing! It's beautiful!

Thanks!! I really like the water picture my wife sent I think it will look great. You can definitely see the dark blue glass beads in the finish in that picture.

That is TOO funny that he had such a reaction! I wonder why he was so set on "dark blue"? Did he ever go with you to look at samples? Did you ever ask him which one he liked?

I honestly don't know why he had that reaction. A little story but in the pool office they have a finch or some small bird like that in a cage. Well whenever we would go in to do anything that is all he was interested in. So no he didn't help pick out anything because of the bird. I think he just likes dark blue better and frankly we didn't want the pool too dark because most of them get bathtub temp in the summer anyway.

That is SO pretty!!!!!

I have a shopping list for you:

-test kit-see my siggy for the ones we use and love
-white, plastic plate to hold up behind the PH testing tube to help see the colors.
-toothbrush (yea really) to clean the small places
-plastic 2-cup measuring cup
Here is a link for you.............BUT your PB trumps this link as he holds the warranty card!
Pool School - Start-up New Plaster
I would get 2 jugs of bleach. Have you and your wife figured out where you will be getting the chlorine/bleach from?
I have some more for you but am out of time--------I will finish when I get home.

Thanks! I have the TF-100 already. I'll have to go shopping for the rest. I want to make sure I have everything on hand. I am sure my PB will just put a gallon of acid and some pucks in the pool.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited for you and your family! I just start giggling each time I open up your thread and see more pictures!! The top one in the latest set of three is gorgeous.... And filling with water!! Are the two below it before the acid wash?

I forgot to check my meter, too. I wish I had, but I've managed without. I'm still adjusting my gallons.

We have a SWG system, also. We also had the rainbow chlorinator which we could have lived without. For that first month before the switchover, we bought the Walmart bleach (the one that labels the percent of chlorine - 8 point something percent) We bought 10 gallons or jugs at a time - mostly because Nick didn't want to unload any more than that. Even with the pucks, my pool guzzled the bleach. BUT that was in our hottest and driest part of the summer in August. Some days I added 2 or even 3 jugs of bleach.

I would buy what you want to carry - maybe at least 10 - and see how it goes. As we got within a week of the switch to salt, I slowed down on the buying.

For the MA, I bought a case of six (about the same size of the bleach jugs). I think I have about three left. I'll check when I get home.

For comparison - in my signature, my gallon volume is listed as 24k, but I need to update that 22k - and that could be lowered again.

I never found it to be a problem if my gallons were a little off and I added a little too much bleach or MA. Those get used up sooner rather than later. I'm still careful when adding CYA and calcium increaser (I didn't worry about adding those in the early stage). Those two stay more static - you want to avoid over doing those.

Beyond that, I'm too new to give you much help on water maintenance. Far better to let the experts guide you!

I hope this helps a little!

Thanks Suz! I'll be going to buy the bleach tonight. I can't believe I need it! I am still in denial.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, is your PB taking care of things? If he says he is, start your own testing right away no matter what he says. If I had left it to mine, I would have had a green pool! Checking on it once a week is not enough!!! I texted him my numbers right off the bat and got his permission to add what I needed. So before the first week was up, he let me take over (Wendy taught me this!). He still came once a week to check on things. He really bragged on me, too.

You won't have any trouble - you have TFP!!

As little as they come out to see things I wouldn't think he will be much help. We'll see but I want to be prepared. In my post surgery state I want to make sure that we have what we need on hand even if it doesn't get all used. We have 3 kids so I think my wife could use the unused bleach in a month of doing laundry. The MA I will always need from what I understand. So it doesn't hurt to have it on hand.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh yeah. Forgot about the test kit. Here's my arsenal.

Can't recommend the Speed Stir enough! The BBQ sauce bottle makes dispensing pool water into the vials a breeze. And the PVC pipe makes pulling pool water easy too.

I bought extra vials and stir magnets so I didn't have to rinse one between tests.


Wow that is impressive! I have a speed stir with one vial. Explain how to build/use your water extraction pipe. I am curious... It could help me because right now I won't be able to get on my knees much AND I cannot get my foot wet for at least another week or two.
Thanks! I'll definitely be stopping by the store later today to get all that I will need. Can you explain your tube to pull the water out of the pool? I already have the TF-100 and speed stir. I bought it like 6 months ago haha. I didn't want to have the shipping take too long so I wanted to make sure I had it on hand before my pebble. Little did I know I would have plenty of time.

Wow that is impressive! I have a speed stir with one vial. Explain how to build/use your water extraction pipe. I am curious... It could help me because right now I won't be able to get on my knees much AND I cannot get my foot wet for at least another week or two.

Sure, no problem. I bought my kit as soon as they started digging (no turning back!)

I also test daily. Well FC CC and pH. I tested CH and TA several days in a row to make sure I was consistent.

The pipe. Saw this on the tips thread in Getting Started so I can't claim originality.

I used 1/2" Schedule 40 PVC. Cut it to about 36" long.

Drill a small hole in a PVC cap and place on one end. Your thumb will cover this hole while pulling the tube out of the water.

I can't remember part numbers but the tubing is 3/8" tubing and the fitting is a 1/2" with a 3/8 (I think) pinch type fitting. The tubing just jammed up in there. Cut it to about 3" length so it'll fit down in the BBQ sauce bottle.

Leave the cap hole open and dip the tube as deep as you want. Put your thumb over the hole and pull the tube out. Works like pulling Coke out of a glass with a straw.

It doesn't create a perfect seal. The water dribbles out a little when I first pull it out of the water so I have to get the end in the sauce bottle rather quickly then let go with my thumb. I haven't seen the need to improve it. Yet.

Takes about 3 pulls to fill the sauce bottle. So you may opt to start with a larger diameter tube of PVC but you'll likely still need to reduce it down to hold the water in.

I do my testing at the breakfast table. So I can take all the vials to the sink and rinse them with pool water then sit at the breakfast table and do all the tests without having to get up and rinse until the end.

Does that help?
Funny part is - I'm not all that handy so I stood at Lowe's in the PVC section over a hour trying to figure out what combination of PVC, tubing and adapter would work. I tried all kinds of different combinations and none of them would secure the tubing. Was about to give up and saw the little pinch type connector. Bingo!

- - - Updated - - -

That helps me... I was taking notes. :) Thanks, bdrums!

No problem. Was trying to over describe just for that purpose. I hate reading a description about something and the writer assumes some little piece of knowledge that I didn't have. Ugh.

I'll try to either get part numbers or a close up of the fitting when I get home.
Home and SO happy for you! That pic of the water going is a dream (nightmare over) come true! I kept thinking..........what if they bale on him? Don't put the pretties in? Use the lowest level of plaster? Do a bad job? I was having all kinds of What ifs. I am SO glad it happened!

Now you and I both know the kids WILL be in the water. Their little lips will be blue and their little arms wrapped around them selves but they will be saying "Buutttttt IIIIIIII aammmmmm nnnnnnnnnnooooooottttt cccoollllddddddd Daddy!" Just throw some towels in the dryer to wrap them up in when they get out and all will be good!

Here is some more light reading for you. I am going to post the threads I post for everyone. I am guessing have read most of them BUT now they will mean something to you as you use them.

Print these out:

Pool School - Recommended Levels

Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule (for after the start up)

Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule

Good reading to understand the whats and whys of TFP:

Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry

NOW GO CHANGE YOUR SIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did it, you really DO have a pool!

hehe I see two of the three kids! Where is the other one????

I bet they are loving having the yard back!

Do you have a REAL safe place to store the MA? It has to be vented, no where near the bleach, away from things that can rust, where little hands cannot get to it! Janny bought a neat storage thing for it. Let me know if you want me to dig up the link.

Oh man.... You've got to be kidding! I can't believe how amazing everything looks!! Maybe I've missed some photos, but this is my first glimpse with an overview of everything finished, cleaned up, and the entire pool.

The pavers and the pool finish complement each other so beautifully! I would never have selected those together and yet they're perfect!!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's so gorgeous - it was all built about 3 times!! Oops, too soon?

I love the action shot of the kids! These are the younger two, right?

I know you're probably running on adrenaline, but still, you must be exhausted! What does your wife think about it all?

Congratulations, Umm! I could not be any happier for you and your family!!!

Sleep well, tonight, my friend!

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Suz I am with you. I keep going back to look at different details that we watched get worked on. They ALL look wonderful. The end is so worth it! I only wish you did not have to "fight" so hard to get it. When you are sitting by the side of the pool in the evening as the kids laugh and play in the pool it will be worth it. They will sleep real good! LOL

Congrats on finally getting your plaster! So far everything looks marvelous (said in my best Billy Crystal voice!)! I'm not sure I would have had your patience, but it's really paid off in the long run. Your pool and deck are breathtakingly beautiful! Congrats!
Home and SO happy for you! That pic of the water going is a dream (nightmare over) come true! I kept thinking..........what if they bale on him? Don't put the pretties in? Use the lowest level of plaster? Do a bad job? I was having all kinds of What ifs. I am SO glad it happened!

Now you and I both know the kids WILL be in the water. Their little lips will be blue and their little arms wrapped around them selves but they will be saying "Buutttttt IIIIIIII aammmmmm nnnnnnnnnnooooooottttt cccoollllddddddd Daddy!" Just throw some towels in the dryer to wrap them up in when they get out and all will be good!

Here is some more light reading for you. I am going to post the threads I post for everyone. I am guessing have read most of them BUT now they will mean something to you as you use them.

Print these out:

Pool School - Recommended Levels

Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule (for after the start up)

Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule

Good reading to understand the whats and whys of TFP:

Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry

NOW GO CHANGE YOUR SIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did it, you really DO have a pool!


Can you believe it!!! Thanks for the links. They are supposed to come by this afternoon to start up the equipment and put in the start up chemicals. My son has already announced it is too cold to go swimming. My middle child has said "I don't care I am going in" which will last maybe 2 seconds because she is our child that is always cold and can't stand being cold. It will be amusing to watch. I can't get my foot wet or I would be tempted.

hehe I see two of the three kids! Where is the other one????

I bet they are loving having the yard back!

Do you have a REAL safe place to store the MA? It has to be vented, no where near the bleach, away from things that can rust, where little hands cannot get to it! Janny bought a neat storage thing for it. Let me know if you want me to dig up the link.


The third one is pre-teen so she was probably rolling her eyes or taking a selfie when I took the photo. That or something minor happened and she stormed off to her bedroom to have a meltdown.

Yeah I need to find that cabinet again. Do you have the link? Can I store it outside in the shade?

Oh man.... You've got to be kidding! I can't believe how amazing everything looks!! Maybe I've missed some photos, but this is my first glimpse with an overview of everything finished, cleaned up, and the entire pool.

The pavers and the pool finish complement each other so beautifully! I would never have selected those together and yet they're perfect!!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's so gorgeous - it was all built about 3 times!! Oops, too soon?

I love the action shot of the kids! These are the younger two, right?

I know you're probably running on adrenaline, but still, you must be exhausted! What does your wife think about it all?

Congratulations, Umm! I could not be any happier for you and your family!!!

Sleep well, tonight, my friend!

Thanks Suz!! Honestly I wouldn't have picked it either. I know that sounds a bit crazy but to be honest we really liked the flagstone and travertine type styles. Then when we saw the pavers I was a bit floored. I never had seen anything like that before plus I knew it would hold up over time and our abuse. That is when we started to go that direction. I wouldn't have gone that light on the colors either because we typically like dark stuff but I wanted it to be as cool as possible. I am actually surprised how much I like it. The sales manager at our PB keeps raving about it and they have shown it to two other customers I think. I think it is the first pool they have done like it. I like knowing that it is unique for now. At least until they build more of them because of showing ours.

You are fine kidding with us about the 3 times. At least the plaster didn't take 3 times. I was a bit in shock that there wasn't a problem with the color or something like that. I was expecting them to have to leave and reschedule. The fact they were able to show up and do it all was a blessing.

Yep that is the 2 youngest.

Suz I am with you. I keep going back to look at different details that we watched get worked on. They ALL look wonderful. The end is so worth it! I only wish you did not have to "fight" so hard to get it. When you are sitting by the side of the pool in the evening as the kids laugh and play in the pool it will be worth it. They will sleep real good! LOL


I know it will all be over soon. And thankfully hopefully the PB is out of my hair by swim season.

Wow! The end result is truly awesome.


Congrats on finally getting your plaster! So far everything looks marvelous (said in my best Billy Crystal voice!)! I'm not sure I would have had your patience, but it's really paid off in the long run. Your pool and deck are breathtakingly beautiful! Congrats!

Thank you! I honestly don't know how I had as much patience as I did. I probably can count on one hand how many times I "lost" it. I never cussed or did anything but I was extremely frustrated. Probably my biggest upset was over them trying to undo their offer for the glass. I think when the sales manager saw me he realized it probably wouldn't be good to back out of that agreement.

So is it full yet???

Almost!! We are about 9" left from the full mark. It is very slow :) Like I said before is we are still waiting for some things to be finished. One of them is the broken pipe the lawn guy hit 3 weeks ago. They still haven't fixed it and that means all my sprinklers and my new hose bib aren't working so we are filling with a single hose. The other hose bib on my house we could use is in the front center of my house and I would need a ton of hoses to get back to the pool.


Oh and another thing. Today I was looking down from the shelf and I can see tons of sparkles on the tanning ledge. An insane amount. The glass looks awesome from a distance. I don't know what it will look like under water.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and I knew it would happen but the water is insanely green! I can't believe it.
I will work on getting the link to the storage for the MA. Yes, outside would be fine. What Ilike most about it is that it can be locked to keep little one safe. You know, for when they try to "help" LOL


Thanks I definitely know how that is. I definitely don't want my kids "helping" with acid.

I had a weird conversation with the start up guy. He is here right now and basically told me he would handle all my balancing for the next couple days. He said "Well all I really use is liquid bleach, MA, and CYA to balance it". He then went on to say that it works better than the pucks or the pool store chemicals. I was a little shocked. I was totally prepared to get a mouthful of you need this shock/this pool store puck brand/etc... I'll probably ask him where he gets his supplies since he is using the TFP method even if he hasn't ever heard of it.
Hose is off we are full! Pool has initial treatment. Pump is running and lights. The pool smelled GROSS when they first turned the pump on. Kinda reminds me of our jetted tub when I clean it out. The finish is amazing! I am really thrilled with it. I'll try to get some more photos of it tomorrow morning when the sun is out and the pool is less grody. It looks pretty gross right now from all the junk they pushed out of the plumbing. He said my PH was 11 when he tested it because of the city water being so high and the water sitting so long before he treated it.

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