Window Squeegee that fits a standard pool pole?


Silver Supporter
Feb 6, 2018
Chesapeake, VA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Has anyone purchased a window squeegee attachement that fits a standard pool pole? I need to get to my second story windows and would prefer to buy one as an attachment and not have to deal with storing another pole. I found one on Amazon but reviews say it doesn't fit a pool pole. Figured it was worth a shot asking here. Thanks!
+1. For occasional need twice a year, the duct tape will secure the squeezee and soften the hard/sharp edge of the pool pole. Then once you are squozed (cr @kellyfair), tape comes off until next time.
  • Haha
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a google search for pool pole threaded adapter came up with several outrageously priced (imo) options and this one for $10 at ace:

a google search for pool pole threaded adapter came up with several outrageously priced (imo) options and this one for $10 at ace:
Thanks! I just wonder if the screw attachment would fit whatever squeegee I get
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