White blotches in plaster


Aug 13, 2022
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

I recently started trying to maintain my water chemicals. We used to have a pool service company service it but weren't happy with their service. We also started noticing white blotches in the plaster in the center of the pool, but in the recent month or so, it has spread throughout the entire pool. I purchased the TF-Pro and was able to test the water today. (completely new to this, and I hope I did it right). Below are the results, do they appear to be okay? I did notice that the CYA is high and plan on doing a partial drain but could that be the cause of the discoloration in the plaster?

PH- 7.8
CL- 3
FC- 2.5
CC- none noted
TC- 5.5
CH- 350 ppm
TA- 100
CYA- 100

I appreciate all the feedback that I can get on this. Thanks
Hey Lorena and belated Welcome !!!

Do a diluted test. Make a 50/50 mix with pool and tap water. Use that as your sample and add the reagent to it. Multiply the result by 2.

We need to know exactly how much you need to drain and tests of 90 or 100 fool the eyes. If it's actually 100, a half drain will work. If it's 200 or more, it's 85% +. You want to get as much out in one swoop without risking the pool floating. If you do multiple drains, you also loose good water so each round becomes less efficient.

Have a read :

In the future, scrap this altogether. The parts mean everything and the sum means nothing. That 5.5 could be 5.5 and 0, or 1.5 and 4. Two hugely different scenarios but both TC=5.5.
CL- 3
FC- 2.5
CC- none noted
Cancel the block chlorine test also and only do the powder (FAS-DPD) test. The comparator block test is a quick check of 'is there some chlorine in the water' and It's not very accurate.

*edit. The blotches are not from the CYA. Got any pics ?
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Hey Lorena and belated Welcome !!!

Do a diluted test. Make a 50/50 mix with pool and tap water. Use that as your sample and add the reagent to it. Multiply the result by 2.

We need to know exactly how much you need to drain and tests of 90 or 100 fool the eyes. If it's actually 100, a half drain will work. If it's 200 or more, it's 85% +. You want to get as much out in one swoop without risking the pool floating. If you do multiple drains, you also loose good water so each round becomes less efficient.

Have a read :

In the future, scrap this altogether. The parts mean everything and the sum means nothing. That 5.5 could be 5.5 and 0, or 1.5 and 4. Two hugely different scenarios but both TC=5.5.

Cancel the block chlorine test also and only do the powder (FAS-DPD) test. The comparator block test is a quick check of 'is there some chlorine in the water' and It's not very accurate.

*edit. The blotches are not from the CYA. Got any pics ?

Welcome to TFP.

How old is the plaster?

I don't think the white blotches were caused by any chemicals or your maintenance.

Welcome to TFP.

How old is the plaster?

I don't think the white blotches were caused by any chemicals or your maintenance.

the pool is only two years old- what would you recommend I do? Should I contact the PB?
I recommend you accept the plaster finish the way it is and what you have is normal variations and character in a hand applied plaster product.
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