Where Does The Water Go When The Pump Is Turned Off?


Remember the old trick where you stick a straw into a glass full of water, and if you put your thumb over the top of the straw, when you pull the straw out it will remain full of water? Well, in a way, your filter is a little like the straw. As long as you have no air leaks, the filter will stay full of water. But, taking your thumb off the straw, by opening the filter vent, or taking off the pump lid, and the water will quickly drain out and back into your pool unless you have valves that prevent that from happening.

Jim R.
I always turn my pump off, then immediately close any valves that bring water to the pump before Backwashing, cleaning the pump basket filter, or anything else. If I don't shut the inflow valves off, my pump basket loses water too. Just a thought.
Mine has done that twice, once it was the seals in the backwash valve which allowed water to dribble out of the hose (leaving a constantly wet hose). The other time it was the seal in the air vent valve on top of the filter. It sealed well enough to prevent water from going out when the pump was running, but not well enough to prevent air from coming in when the pump was off and losing prime.

When you take the filter apart, check to see if your internal air bleed is intact, and clean. It should look like a straw, either long or short (depending on your filter), and will have some sort of screen on the end. Make sure the screen is clean. If you had not bled the tank, it may have been full of air all along. Even if you had bled the tank, if you were pulling (even) a little air from somewhere, over time, the tank would fill up with air if your bleed tube was missing, clogged, or otherwise not working.
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