When to do AA treatment


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May 4, 2010
I need to follow the AA treatment to remove stains as described in TFP. I've been putting it off until now since the pool has seen heavy use this summer. I'll be closing my pool during the last week of September and will probably do the treatment starting on 9/11.

Will that give me enough time to get everything back in balance before closing? I am also concerned about not being able to shock the pool prior to closing, as i usually do as the AA process says not to do that. Should I be concerned about AA treatment starting on 9/11 and closing the pool on 9/27?
I would suggest first testing a stain with some Vit C tablets and another area with a chlorine puck held against the stain to determine if it is indeed metal vs organic staining.
If you do find you need to do the AA tx, do it and get the pool back balanced before you close. When you first re-chlorinate after an AA tx the residual AA will eat through a larger amount of chlorine at first until it is all oxidized off. Then it will drop to more normal dosing conditions.
I would suggest first testing a stain with some Vit C tablets and another area with a chlorine puck held against the stain to determine if it is indeed metal vs organic staining.
If you do find you need to do the AA tx, do it and get the pool back balanced before you close. When you first re-chlorinate after an AA tx the residual AA will eat through a larger amount of chlorine at first until it is all oxidized off. Then it will drop to more normal dosing conditions.

Yes...already did that a month ago but postponed the AA treatment due to heavy pool use. What I'm concerned about is if I will be able to shock the pool before closing as I understand that shocking too close to the AA treatment could cause the staining again.
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