What's your current pool temp?

I heard about that crappy weather, Monday high is going to be around 70 down here. I'm going to try to leave my cover off the rest of the year. it's just leaving too many bubbles and I don't want to buy a new one until next season. I think putting it on and taking it off all the time has worn it out faster than normal. Need to get an auto cover :cool:

Basictek I try to get 3 seasons out of my solar cover. I probably can get 4 but I keep my FC on the high side. :cheers:
Also many times we do not take the cover off completely, rather just roll it up half way or push it to the end of the pool. That may help extend the life of the cover:cheers:
Basictek I try to get 3 seasons out of my solar cover. I probably can get 4 but I keep my FC on the high side. :cheers:
Also many times we do not take the cover off completely, rather just roll it up half way or push it to the end of the pool. That may help extend the life of the cover:cheers:

Same here in December to February I rolled it up about 3/4. Then when it got hot in February I pulled it off all together like I have now. I don't plan on putting it back on again, and next year I;m going to get a different brand. I could claim a prorated warranty with company but I just think their cover is junk. The top looks fine (has some black mold or algae on it). It's all the bubbles that turn up in my pump (dozens or more every time I use it lately)

anyway today without cover I was in my 85 degree pool early around 10 AM and in and out all day. It topped off at 89 (too many clouds today to really heat it up)
Not many solar covers will last beyond a year, or two at the outside. Those that do are much thicker, much heavier, more bulky, and a PITA to put on, take off, and to store. They also cost proportionally more.

Since the difference in heating performance is minimal, (if any), best bet is to buy the thinnest, lightest, and cheapest cover you can find. When it has served its time, throw it away, and repeat.

It may seem wasteful, but I’ve tried a number of the heavyweight ones, and that’s my conclusion. The average cost per year, and the total number of pounds of plastic to dispose of over time remains similar, but handling the cover is much easier.
That's the approach I was following, is there a solar cover without bubbles? I'm wondering if the bubbles are really needed, or maybe that's what keeps it floating on top of the water...

The one I have was "blue Wave" on walmart and I got it for about $70 (now the same one is over $100) I'm going to try "sun2solar" on amazon for about $84, but I intend to buy it in october when I need it again. I can get away with a 14x28 cover so the price is usually going to be pretty low unless I invest in the expensive covers and I don't think getting much thicker than 12 mil will reel up very well
It's about $64 after they tax me, but I'll keep them in mind, I bet 8 mil is easier to roll up than 12 mil, and I would never try to put 16 mil on this roller. My pool is an odd shape so I have to fold the cover to roll it up, that folded part was the 1st to wear out coincidentally...

Squeezed out 87 today in a mostly cloudy wind fest prior to a cold front passing through.

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54F here in Maryland. We keep getting 1 spring day then 3-4 winter days. Not typical for mid April. I was advised last year by friend to close late and open early. Water much better than when the previous owner opened last year May 1

54F here in Maryland. We keep getting 1 spring day then 3-4 winter days. Not typical for mid April. I was advised last year by friend to close late and open early. Water much better than when the previous owner opened last year May 1


That looks gorgeous! Good job following that great advice.

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