What’s this thing??


Silver Supporter
Dec 20, 2014
Highland, CA
Found this in my parents skimmer. Pool was built in the 70’s. Looks like a 70’s version of a UFO diverter? Any ideas what it is and if it’s a diverter, how to adjust. No issues with the pool. It’s skimming but not sure if the drains are restricted or not. Seems they would be.

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Sorry I am no longer at my parents so I don’t have any additional pictures. The pic I added is deceiving. The top of the plug is about 1 1/2” below the lip of the opening. In the edited picture, I added a red line that indicates that opening for the suction line. The opening is just above the plug.
BTW, I had a dream my parents pool was drained and I pulled that plug out and sewage came out of the floor drain. Maybe it’s a sign.


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