What is this in my pool drain?

Oct 7, 2015
Mesa AZ
I drained my pool and while empty I figured I'd clean the bottom drain.

I opened it up to find this. What is this? I don't see any "drain" here?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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That appears to be a plug. Your main drain is non functional.
Is this the only main drain on your pool bottom or is there another one too?

There was possibly a leak in that line or it was plugged during a remodel as it isn't VGB compliant.
That appears to be a plug. Your main drain is non functional.
Is this the only main drain on your pool bottom or is there another one too?

There was possibly a leak in that line or it was plugged during a remodel as it isn't VGB compliant.
This is the only drain on the bottom of my pool.
Well the only drain period really other than the skimmer.
Pool drains that are not VGB compliant pose an entrapment hazard. Possibly a previous owner chose to block it to alleviate this possibility - even though it may not have been required to be brought up to current code. Or there was a leak in the line and the easiest way to fix it was to plug it.
Pool drains that are not VGB compliant pose an entrapment hazard. Possibly a previous owner chose to block it to alleviate this possibility - even though it may not have been required to be brought up to current code. Or there was a leak in the line and the easiest way to fix it was to plug it.
So the little metal ring is part of the plug itself? I turned the three prong handle a bit and now the metal ring won't get as tight as it was. That shouldn't be an issue right?

I'm guessing the plug itself is the rubber thing below that?
If you think you damaged in any way shape or form I'd recommend you go out and get a new plug and be absolutely sure it's tight because doing this with a full pool isn't easy and will cause water loss.
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