What do you think this open vertical pipe is for?


Apr 13, 2020
Los Angeles
I bought the house with this pool a couple of years ago. I've figured out most of the plumbing by now but this open vertical pipe (the one in the front of the pic with two right angle corners attached to the top) continues to confuse me.

Is it a vent? Why would that be needed?

Is there a chance it is a connection to the main sewer line for disposing of backwash?

Or maybe it is a return line for a missing DE backwash filter to the main pool?

I have no idea.

It is the air inlet to the Hartford loop. When you run the spa, at elevated rpm, does air come out of the jets ?
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... and do you feel suction at that open pipe when the spa is runnning with jets on?

The air intake should be pointed down, so stuff won't fall into it. Hopefully it's not glued and you can simply rotate it.
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You have alot of pumps. I suspect you could replace some if not all with a single VS pump and some plumbing modification.
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