Well, its genuinely WINTER


Bronze Supporter
Apr 16, 2019
Bremen, GA, 65 m west of Atlanta
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Two cold fronts came through, dropped temps into y the 30s, and wrung every bit of moisture out of the air in the form of SNOW!! I've never seen it snow this early in the season. We usually see our first snow (if we get any at all) in January, and chances of snow run thru March. I once saw it snow here in mid April.

At any rate, even though the calendar says its still fall, winter is well and truly here!
No way!??! I'm stunned. It got down in the 40s here and I'm further east on I-20 than you. Well, its sunny today so it should be good. The Farmers Almanac says its going to be a cold winter..... perhaps Georgia will get 1/2 inch of snow that STICKS! Won't that be fun to watch....... :laughblue:
No way!??! I'm stunned. It got down in the 40s here and I'm further east on I-20 than you.
Yeah, I'm about 10 miles from the Alabama border out I-20 West. We generally get some good snow most years -- a couple years back we got a foot of snow! Mike measured it! Our son Patrick was on the way home and got stuck on I-285, the circumferential interstate around Atlanta, and didn't get home til the next day around 10 am! We just lose our minds when it snows!
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