Water level tho close the pool with an automatic cover


Bronze Supporter
Jun 13, 2016
Twin Cities MN
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
I have read several/many posts about closing a pool using a winter cover and lowering the water below the returns. However, I have an automatic covers and need to maintain a certain level to ensure the cover is supported. What water level would you adjust to when covering with an auto cover for the winter?
Check you manual to see if they recommend using the autocover as a winter cover, especially in MN with all the snow you get. I'm not sure they're intended to carry such weight for so long?

Is you cover track inside the pool or on the surface of the deck?

Maddie :flower:
The cover track is inside the pool. It seems that the pool builder recommended we lower the water just enough (just below the skimmers?) to still carry the weight of the cover, even after freezing.
FWIW, I have a Coverpool auto cover that I've been using through the winter for 7 years now with no problem. My routine follows the mfgr directions for winter....drain and seal skimmers and set water level to about 5 inches below recessed track. A pump stays on the cover all winter that automatically discharges wet weather and melting snow. The pool is in a relatively wooded environment, so I also put a leaf net over the cover until all the leaves are down, usually by the end of November. I then lift off the net and leaves and pretty much forget about it until spring. We get our fair share of freezing weather and snow here in western PA, but "your mileage may vary" being up there in MN.
I'm still in build mode, another week or so and we fill! I'm getting an autocover but elected to also get a winter cover. I'm in Northern Virginia, we don't have harsh winters but we can get 12+ inches of snow in a single storm some winters. I didn't want to have to manage keeping the snow load off my cover or risk damaging it.

We also must have an operational cover as we won't have the usual safety barriers, a fence mainly. It just wasn't worth the risk to not have a winter cover.
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