water comes out of pool filter pump when opening lid


Mar 10, 2024
Hi everyone
I have an intex C1000 filter pump and I would like to clean my filter pump for the first time, I tried opening the lid but water won’t stop coming out of the filter pump basket. The pump is off, how can I stop the water from running while I clean or switch filters please?

Thanks in advance for your help
Is your equipment below the level of the pool? If so, you will need to close off valve(s) to prevent all of the water from draining from your pool. Post up a few pictures of your equipment and we can help you.
If you have no valves on your suction intake then stick a potato into the water inlet in your pool to act as a plug while you clean the pump basket. Then remove the potato before starting the pump.

Is the valve you’re talking about the thing on top of the pump?

No, that is a vacuum release safety valve.
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There should have been plugs that came with your pool that you use on the inside to stop the flow. You just take the cover off and stick it in.
Looks like these

Mine also came with a valve but maybe they stopped including them? Looked like this
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The easiest thing to do is just pick the filter up higher than the Intake tubes by putting it on the step of your pool ladder or something of similar height. No plugs necessary. That’s all I do every time. No water will come out.
Also, when you pull the filter and clean it, when you put it back together and put the filter back down you have to unscrew the little bleeder on top to let all the air get out of the pump while the filter refills itself with water. One word of caution, the bleeder valve is fragile and mine broke after my 3rd filter cleaning during the season. I had to use a drywall anchor and a big stainless screw to seal it the rest of the season as I never got around to ordering a replacement which can be found on Amazon etc lol.
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