Wasps building nests inside of the verticals

I had an above ground pool for about 4 years before an oak tree fell on it in March. :cry: Before it was flattened like a pancake, we had a problem with wasps building nests inside of the vertical post covers. The pool guy took down the old pool, & sure enough the nests were still in the squashed pool. There was about a week between the time he demo'd the old one & started putting up the new one. Those little boogers are coming back!!! Literally when the very first post went up, they flew over to check it out like "Oh look; it's my new home!". What can I do to keep them from establishing new nests there or kill them if they already started to build one? The pool will probably be complete tomorrow, & I want to try to avoid having my kids stung (or me!). lol. They are getting in near the plastic caps, top rail, vertical area.

I've sprayed all the cavities in and around the pool with WD-40 and it seems to keep them away. Something about, they don't like the oils.

I also just read to get some peppermint oil and make a mixture and spray it all around the pool to keep all kinds of critters away. We use it for mice and spiders and it seems to work pretty well. But, I've never noticed it for wasps.
Those are some great tips! Thank you all very much. As for the peppermint oil, yep it works. Last Summer I made a home made environmentally friendly bug spray with water, Dawn dish washing liquid, & peppermint oil. I might've put Teatree oil in too - can't remember. I mixed it up well & went out at night with a flashlight & sprayed them & saturated their nest. They fell to the ground instantly. The next day they were laying dead on the ground. I just didn't think about putting it around the pool. The installer said that citronella candles help to keep them away too, but I wanted something more long term. I'll have to check these out.

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