Want a second opinion on my CYA/tips for CYA reading.


Active member
May 23, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
As some of you probably saw in the pool opening thread, I recently opened up my pool for the season. And as some of you probably know last season is when I joined TFP after having my own issues that led to me eventually learning I had a crazy high CYA. That year I was able to get my CYA down to 70.

Now, I also had a problem with a hole that was repaired, but not well which leads to the start of this season where the water level was lower then the return (but not crazy low....). After filling and after getting everything running here was my first reading of the season:

FC: 0.0
CC: 0.5
PH: 7.6
TA: 110
CH: 125
CYA: 60
Temp: 60F

However, here's my readings today:

FC: 5
CC: 0
PH: 7.6
TA: 120
CH: 125
CYA: 50?
Temp: 68F

I'm curious your thoughts and I've attached a photo of my CYA readings I'm seeing. When I did my CYA readings at the beginning of the season, it was a clear and DEAD ON 60... like I knew without a doubt my CYA was 60. All of a sudden it's now having me confused and it feels like it's harder to read.

I will note too my CYA was replaced from last year. The other chemicals in the kit I reused from last year as from reading previous posts on here the TF-100 kit is good for at least 2 years if kept stored inside (and I keep mine stored in my kitchen cabinet at all times). I do, however, perform my tests outside near the pool.

Here's a pic of my reading from today. This is when I felt like I couldn't see it any more:

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Don’t sweat +/- 10 ppm on the CYA test.

You rarely hit a line exactly. Round up to the next higher line and move on.

Your pic is CYA 60.
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If you only fill to the 10s, it's WAY easier to know it's not a 50 and not a 70, so it's a 60.

I honestly never thought to do it like that. I was watching as I dropped them in to see when I could stop seeing it :LOL:.

That honestly sounds WAY easier and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.
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