Vaccuum Port Cover


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Mar 30, 2022
Flint, MI
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-60 Plus
So I'm looking for a solution.
Some background : I have 3 returns, a skimmer and a vacuum port. The vacuum port is in the shallow-end, and if I close the valve for it, I get a lot of air in the system - I've resealed/remade just about every joint above ground, so I'm pretty much at a loss as to where the air gets in, but I'm pretty much done trying to solve it. Normally I just leave the vacuum slightly open and it solves the issue. That then means there is suction on that port - and little-grandson fingers are very curious.

So, I started with a standard 1.5" grate cover, but the suction was still pretty harsh

I then found a suction cover from Aquastar -


which works much better, but it stands proud of the wall due to the way the inlet is, so there is a 3/4" gap between the back of the cover on the wall.
Now, instead of a hickey or something, I'm worried someone gets a finger in the gap while playing and....well, yeah...

I did cut some high-density foam last year, and stuffed it into the gap, but trying to figure out a more 'permanent' solution

Hoping the collective brain trust of TFP has come across something :)
Use AutoCAD to design a cover the has the depth you need and 3D print it.

Assuming you have unlimited time and budget.

Someone with little curious hands should always be supervised in a pool anyway.
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I can’t find any dimensions in a quick search for the outer diameter of the cover, but you may be able to create a “skirt” that will fit around the outside diameter of the cover. Check the fit inside a 6 inch pvc coupler or pvc pipe. If it fits snug enough that it’s glueable then cut the coupler to depth you need to fit relatively flush to the wall when it’s screwed into the port. You may lose some or all of the screen on the sides but I wouldn’t think it would matter much for what you’re trying to accomplish. If the cover fits tight enough in the pipe/skirt, you may not need to even glue it.
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