trying to please two masters

Hardly any of the "stuff" left on the bottom.
You have been killing algae and it has gotten less and less as you are killing and removing it. DO NOT forget the importance of removing it......even if there is just a little, get it out of there. I would not quite yet call the pool crystal clear so I do not believe you are ready for the OCLT.

I suggest you hold you shock of 12ppm at least for today (get that FC back up if you haven't already) and (I know you want to) then try the OCLT not be disappointed if you fail....this is where you really need to show patience and diligence.

Go right back to shock value if you fail and then I think you will be ready in the next 24-48're in the home stretch, I think.

The way your pool is behaving, I do not think you have excess iron in your water. A pool store can test that for you if you want but I wouldn't worry about it.

Adjust CYA and balance everything else once you pass OCLT.
Vacuumed to waste again after I got home from morning out. I checked the filter before I did, and it wasn't nearly as dirty (or the water in the filter compartment) as it has been recently. So then I vacuumed to waste, and swam for a good bit.

Keeping the FC up around 8-10 so it's not TOO close to shock so I feel better about swimming. I'm going to sacrifice tomorrow for no swimming so I can keep it at shock all day and do OCLT TOMORROW night. Assuming the pool is clear tomorrow.

Starting to get really scared about my power bill though with all this filter run time. :shock: :cry:

Hoping we can get to the point where it only has to do it's thing during the day.

We have been enjoying the pool. We still have "stuff" on the bottom, but it's very very little. Some mornings I get up and there is barely a speck of it. We still vacuum "it" to waste every other day and change out the filter regularly. And due to the raining every single day, mostly twice a day, and trying to run errands and do other things besides swim, I haven't gotten to the pool store to get the well water tested for metals.

I think I am on the road to figuring out what the best run time will be for the SWG.

If I have another question, should I post here? or somewhere else? It's regarding the skimmer basket and the filter system in general.
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