To quote the great Mel Brooks: EVERYTHING is sooooo GREEEEEEN !!!!

When working with pH & TA they will mess each other up sometimes. The only way to bring pH up without changing TA is aeration. Waterfalls, fountains or even turning the return jets up so they cause ripples at the surface will do it - slowly causing pH to rise. But, with you below 7.0 I think you need to bring it up quicker than that will allow.

So when considering the big picture, is pH more important than TA? I'm not trying to minimize any of the measurements mind you, but rather trying to learn what should have priority.

As far as aeration is concerned... I have a pool full of happy playful kids splashing around today. They have been in and out of there most of the afternoon so the water is certainly getting a lot of movement today. All of us have been really playing pretty hard in the kiddie pool today. It's too dang hot today not to! =) Also I'm keeping the pump running 24/7 for the time being. Pool became a little cloudy after I vac'd it again. May let the dirt settle again and do another vac to waste tomorrow and remove a little of the water and replace it. CYA is a little high still, could drop another 20 and be right about on target. Seems if I could get that right about 40 that would be perfect.
So when considering the big picture, is pH more important than TA? I'm not trying to minimize any of the measurements mind you, but rather trying to learn what should have priority.
Yes, pH is more important. Too low and equipment damage can occur. TA is more of a modifier that will keep pH from fluctuating too much. Now, most of my return is a huge waterfall so low pH is never a problem - high pH is. I add acid every week.
LMAO w/Kim... everyone gets the lecture! DON'T PEE IN THE POOL! I've worked way to hard on getting this thing going again for it to be a child's urinal! LOL. I'll DEFINITELY be checking chlorine levels tonight when it's sun set and adjust accordingly!!! =) May just go for it and check the pH again to see what kind of fluctuation (if any) took place today... just out of curiosity.
End of night numbers:
fc = 5
tc = 5
cc = 0
pH = 7.2 (it's back up...)
CYA = 70

Pointed my one jet towards the top of the pool to assist with aeration. Chlorine numbers sure did fall (TC and FC were both 15 at the start of the day with a 'still pool')

If I did this right I need to add 17oz of bleach to the pool at sun set.
Today's the big day! I SHOULD be getting my SpeedStir and my FAS/DPD add on kit. Pretty excited! New Toys!!! LOL

Pool sure looks nice today:
pretty pool.jpg

Tonight we should be getting a storm rolling through. Kind of eager to test my new knowledge a little bit. In preparation for it, I was thinking I should get my CYA number this afternoon during the hottest part of the day and then take the FC to shock level before the rain hits this evening... or perhaps half way to shock level? Is that excessive? What do you good folks do in preparation for a wallup from Mother Nature?

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You poor souls in LA County. I know the drought has just been brutal out there. I used to work out there ... in Torrance in fact. If I could push some of this rain y'alls way I most certainly would!! Last year and the year before the panhandle of Tx was suffering a pretty significant drought .. this year we've really been blessed with the amount of rain we're getting.
LOL Richard! I can tell you about rain! And tornadoes! We had a little tornado go over the house and skip across the trees two properties down from us!

Romies, I just check my water level as in how high the water is at my skimmer. IF I think it might overflow I pull some water. I try to leave enough to run my pump just in case it does not rain.

I do not worry about my chemical levels except for my daily testing and adding. IF it does rain I do make sure to test and adjust in the morning. MOST of the time my chemicals do not need much adjustment due to the rain.

Thanks Kim. Okay I'll just take it one day at a time... be patient and trust the test results and make little adjustments as they are warranted. I think I'm still traumatized on how fast everything went down hill last time some hard storms hit. Granted at that time I had absolutely no clue what to do, what to test or how to test it. I was at the mercy of the 'pool boy', who quite frankly needs to put the test bottles down and focus on keeping float'ies and noodles in stock. =)
You know what??? If it would make you feel better you can raise the FC level to slam level. It will NOT hurt anything other than your wallet. That may be worth it just so you rest easy.

You have come so far...........

You know what??? If it would make you feel better you can raise the FC level to slam level. It will NOT hurt anything other than your wallet. That may be worth it just so you rest easy.

You have come so far...........


Thank You!! :D

I think I'm going to take it easy and watch how things go. That said, I'll be testing FIRST THING in the morning LOL ... probably while I'm waiting on coffee!

Numbers this evening look pretty good:
CYA: 70 *I haven't added water as of yet since I'm factoring in rain tonight and possibly tomorrow... will rain cause the CYA to drop?
TC: 7.5
FC: 7 (I think)
CC: .5
pH: 7.2

This is a great site! I've had fun learning the new stuff I've picked up and will highly recommend it to others that have pools and have problems keeping things in check. I know I still have quite a bit to learn especially when we graduate to a bigger pool as the kids get older. I know one things for sure, even if I stay with an above ground pool when I do upgrade the next one is going to have a sand filter and a skimmer system!!
Good morning TFP! We didn't get too much rain but did endure some strong straight line winds ... 40 to 50 mph gusts. Checked the pool first thing this morning. Had a bit of dirt and debris in it obviously. I vac'd it out and netted the top... the pool is as clean and clear as it was when I filled it up! My TC and FC dropped by 2, CC was right at zero and the pH dropped to 7.0. Added a little bleach to get the chlorine back to normal and all is well! Glad I didn't over react and waste the bleach to go back to shock level... was no need to. I'm sure when the kids get to splashing around in it the pH will rise slightly.

Trouble Free? It sure is! The pool took a whole 30 min of my day today. :rockon:
I just wanted to post a final follow up on this thread. I've been Crystal Clear / Trouble Free for 1 week now! Pool is a beautiful as ever. I can't thank you guys enough! This will be my final post on this particular thread. I'll stay in touch in other areas of the site and naturally if any questions or problems arise I'm not certain how to deal with I'll go to the appropriate area and start a new thread. ;) I hope I can pass what I've learned on to others and be as helpful to them as all of you were to me! Hope you all have a FUN, SAFE 4th of July!!!!

Crystal Clear.jpg
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