To add Borates or not?


Well-known member
May 29, 2017
Worcester, MA
Hi folks:

I'm pleased to say my water is pretty balanced. I'm pretty much right down the middle of where I should be on the "target values" on my 32,000 gallon Gunite pool.

I have a SWG and I'm always fighting with rising PH.

My question is should I add Borates? I've read on here it can help buffer PH. Is that correct?

According to my borates test strip my current borates level is about 15 and it should be about 30-50.

What do folks recommend? Is there a negative to adding Borates?
Do you have pets? Do they drink from the pool?

I don't use borates because they are toxic to dogs. With swimming dogs that is a problem for me.

We are told it's safe up to about 50ppm, but I'm not willing to take a chance...

I’m with Tim. I’d rather adjust with MA than mess with borates. I like my dogs better than most people!

Some folks think they help enhance the "feel" of the water. I tried 50 ppm once and saw no difference myself. Should provide some low level of algae resistance protection though. Still no substitute for Correct FC.
Water being balanced has a wide range that the TA can be and the TA drives the pH. With the TA at the high range it can still lead to the pH rising faster than some want in their pool.

Can you drop the TA to 50-60 range and keep it there without much trouble or is the fill water high in TA? If you can, try to see if the pH stabilizes at that range.

I've pretty much given up on borates in my pool as the fill water TA is too high so I'm always going to have to add acid. I now add acid once a week instead of once every 10 days.

The downside is another chemical in the water that you have to keep track of and you don't want pets drinking the water or little kids swallowing the water.
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