Tile fell off - immediate fix?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 18, 2019
San Antonio
In ground pool. 14 years old. Has decorative tile at the top just under the rock edging. Two times fell off. It appears the normal water line is in the middle of the tiles. Are the tiles just decorative or do they act as a seal to keep water from leaking out of the pool? The water line is currently under the missing tiles due to it being stupid hot right now. And tips and advice on how to deal with this are appreciated. I ordered some pool patch stuff off amazon. Hasn’t arrived yet.
Depends if the builder put a waterproof membrame along the tile line. Some do, many don't. Gunite is not water proof. Tile and grout is water proof if properly installed.

Reattach the tile with thinset suitable for continuous water submersion.

Read Installation of Ceramic Tiles in Swimming Pools
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