Thoughts on 12V Peristaltic Pump

It's been about a year since I went through this, a few months after I installed the solar. I'm pretty sure it happened at high speed also, I should put the VRV back in and check my memory, maybe I'll do that this weekend.
Even at low speed, although I can intuitively accept it more easily, I have trouble explaining exactly why any part of the pressure side would be below atmospheric in a completely closed system with the jets having noticeable pressure.

Oh I'm not challenging the physics - after all if it ain't physics it's philosophy... It's just a matter of phiguring out what's going on, how the system might be compromised, I have reused pipe with fittings. Maybe there's a small leak on the suction side that'd explain it...

Regardless, I plan to run the peristaltic pump only while the pool pump is on low speed, so it sounds like this bodes well for injecting the CL into the down pipe.
My pump rate findings so far, using the 12VDC peristaltic aquarium pump ($13 at Amazon):
peristaltic pump

With 10V on the motor, I am pumping an ounce of liquid every 36 seconds.

My current setup is to pump muriatic acid diluted at 9.1% (2 gal of acid added to 20gal of water) for 90min every day on the suction side of 1.5hp pool pump.
This appears to maintain pool pH at 7.2. Yay! Keeping my CSI near 0 is a huge benefit for my scaling problems!!
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