TFP Methadology in Proffessional Setting


Pretty hard to do except for maybe a SWCG pool... Most pool service people only come by once a week, which is not enough if adding Liquid Chlorine..

I suppose you could also do it if using a Stenner pump system..


Jim R.
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I know of at least two active forum members who are TFP advocates and operate professional pool service companies. They use TFP principles and their VERY thorough knowledge of pool water management and simply modify it somewhat to fit.

Once you know HOW and WHY you balance your pool chemistry, you can use that knowledge to work in a variety of situations.
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I know of at least two active forum members who are TFP advocates and operate professional pool service companies. They use TFP principles and their VERY thorough knowledge of pool water management and simply modify it somewhat to fit.

Once you know HOW and WHY you balance your pool chemistry, you can use that knowledge to work in a variety of situations.
The reason I'm asking is that my sister is very unhappy with her pool guy. The guy tests for FC and pH (which is good) and skims the top and leaves. He does not vacuum the bottom or brush the walls. He empties the pool skimmer basket but not the pump skimmer basket (I found a lot of debris there). The pool is never trully clear like mine. And now I saw some signs of algea.
I think he may use shock powder. I would like to help her and SLAM the pool but realistically I cant be there everyday, all day testing and dosing and she works all day as well.
I was just curious if and how the service pros work that out, if possible but I'm starting to think that using shock powder may be the way to go and then use TFP principles to keep the pool clear after that.
The reason I'm asking is that my sister is very unhappy with her pool guy. The guy tests for FC and pH (which is good) and skims the top and leaves. He does not vacuum the bottom or brush the walls. He empties the pool skimmer basket but not the pump skimmer basket (I found a lot of debris there). The pool is never trully clear like mine. And now I saw some signs of algea.
I think he may use shock powder. I would like to help her and SLAM the pool but realistically I cant be there everyday, all day testing and dosing and she works all day as well.
I was just curious if and how the service pros work that out, if possible but I'm starting to think that using shock powder may be the way to go and then use TFP principles to keep the pool clear after that.
If that is all the guy is doing... heck she can maintain the pool at the "never truly clear" state on her own and bank whatever she is paying him... most pool guys raise the FC in some fashion, perhaps via a shock product as you suspect, in order to make it through the week.

I have seen workin' folk SLAM a pool by dosing in the morning and then again in the evening. it takes longer but it works.. try to coordinate it with a three day weekend so you can start the process when you'll be around.

Where does you sister live, In FLa as well? If so, pucks might work for her since she probably gets enough rain to dilute the CYA throughout the swim season. Also if she works, nothing can beat the convenience of a SWG as @sktn77a suggests.
First and foremost, in my opinion, the TFP methodology is about working with accurate information about how things work and avoiding the myths and nonsense that can easily be spread by people.

In my opinion, too many people in every occupation are borderline incompetent (on the wrong side of the border).

Every occupation needs to make an effort to upgrade their training to ensure that people are able to provide fast, reliable, affordable, good quality service as needed.

Forums like TFP are a valuable resource in helping people get good service or do it themselves if they can't get good service at a fair price.

For many things, it's very difficult to find good quality service at a reasonable price and it's usually better to do it yourself.

Pool maintenance, especially chemistry, is one area where it's usually the best choice for people to do it themselves.
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From a Pool Company owner's perspective.
Although I can't say I agree with all of the points that JamesW brought up, I can agree with his first one. I'm no this site because I truly don't feel it's the right thing to do selling customers on "easy fixes" or "magic pills". We know water chemistry and try our best to teach our customers that too. We know what works and what's Bull and we're not afraid to tell our customers that. Having said that, there are less than 5% of OUR customers that will take the time/effort needed to take care of their pool the TFP way. There are also only the same amount of people that are willing to have us there weekly, which is almost a requirement to take care of a pool in a full 100% way. Also, there are many customers that must have fail safes in place and that is outside the TFP method. Something must be done to prevent algae growth in a pool when it's only seen once every other week. (for the record, I still don't believe in algaecides, but something must be done to prevent algae growth in a pool when it's only seen once every other week. We MOSTLY do that through phosphate management). To that point, I probably agree with JamesW's last point as well.

Completely off topic, but something I simply can't let go unsaid. I wish I could provide our services "at a reasonable price" to everyone, but the wages, gas prices, geographic challenges, liability insurance, workers comp insurance, vehicle cost, maintenance (you get the point) really do take a toll on trying to keep costs down. I tell people all the time (we build pools too) "Everyone thinks we make a lot of money! We see a lot of money, lot's coming in and almost all of it going back out! But, unfortunately we don't make a lot of money."

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Completely off topic, but something I simply can't let go unsaid. I wish I could provide our services "at a reasonable price" to everyone, but the wages, gas prices, geographic challenges, liability insurance, workers comp insurance, vehicle cost, maintenance (you get the point) really do take a toll on trying to keep costs down. I tell people all the time (we build pools too) "Everyone thinks we make a lot of money! We see a lot of money, lot's coming in and almost all of it going back out! But, unfortunately we don't make a lot of money."

This goes across industries. Most of my friends are plumbers/electricians/tradesmen. They all have to come out for an estimate and write it up and then go back for the actual job. They’ve usually invested an hour or two before doing any work. No small business would exist if they didn’t charge to make up for that. But the customer just balks at the $250 charge for an hour and a half of actual work. They don’t care about the business costs of a home base, vehicles, employees, gas/insurance etc. The larger the projects become, the less it matters for the business, but for little guys doing little jobs it’s an everyday fight to stay afloat.
This goes across industries. Most of my friends are plumbers/electricians/tradesmen. They all have to come out for an estimate and write it up and then go back for the actual job. They’ve usually invested an hour or two before doing any work. No small business would exist if they didn’t charge to make up for that. But the customer just balks at the $250 charge for an hour and a half of actual work. They don’t care about the business costs of a home base, vehicles, employees, gas/insurance etc. The larger the projects become, the less it matters for the business, but for little guys doing little jobs it’s an everyday fight to stay afloat.
I'll vote this up! I run a home based service type business as well. I try to focus my client base to work more with businesses as they seem to "get it" more than "individuals". That is unless that "Individual" is a small business owner himself.
Also with a medium sized business, the one who signs for the service rarely is the one paying the bill and they will generally sign away more freely.
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