Test results with TF-100 vs. ColorQ 7 Pro


Bronze Supporter
Sep 13, 2017
I partially drained my pool in order to lower CYA and CH. After refilling and circulating I tested using both the TF-100 and the ColorQ 7 Pro and got the following:

TF-100 ColorQ

FC 10 6.59
TC 10 6.59
TA 120 97
PH 7.6 7.5
CH 475 324
CYA 110 90
CSI .31 -.01
84 deg.F

FC and CH are way lower for the ColorQ
Anybody get similar results?

My numbers are usually much closer than yours, but I take care of three pools and need to get new reagents about twice a year. I think the CH reagent is only good for 6 months anyway..

I use mine just to give me a confidence test... I'm looking for changes over time..

If I am worried about accuracy, I always use my TF-100.


Jim R.
I initially started out my pool life with the Color Q Pro11 and started doubting it's results/repeatability so I bought the TF-100 and Speed Stir and ran tests on the same water sample simultaneously for a couple weeks and the results can be seen in my signature ;) The Color Q is easy to use but easier to doubt, stick with your TF-100 and trust your results if in doubt re-run the test.

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