Taking down/disassembling our Wilbar agp and storing for possible future use.


Jun 9, 2016
New Orleans La
Hello everyone I’m looking for any advice for storing the pieces for our 52” agp.
It has been a very sad month for me and my family. My 16mo old grandson passed away last month due to getting into the pool. So we are taking it down because it is too painful for us to look at after such a traumatic experience. I’m not sure if it will ever go back up but if we can ever get through the initial trauma and begin to remember how much love and joy the pool brought to our family including my grandsons then I will be able to Put it up then.
Are there any tips you can offer on how take Down the walls and get it rolled up and store it so it doesn’t get damaged or rusty? Is there something we should clean it with or maybe even paint on it to protect it against rust? the top rails are also a concern because after taking them off I found a decent amount of rust underneath and I know that will naturally spread. How should I treat and protect them? I’m assuming I just need to dump the sand out and clean the filter for storage. I’m not sure if there’s anything I need to do the pump either. I know I have looked at the books that came with the equipment but I don’t think Im retain what I am reading after searching.
so I thought of how wonderful you all have always been with helping me with my water issues and even though I have been nervous about asking I am just so overwhelmed with grief and I don’t feel like I can keep trying to google and read anymore. I just want it done!
As of right now the pool is drained, the top is off the bottom rail covers are off and the metal is unscrewed on some rails. So I have to get the rest done tomorrow I hope! Then I’ll have to spend a few days trying to preserve the rest of it.
I don’t want know how to say this but please be kind and don’t pass judgment this is so hard to deal with and never imagined we would ever have this happen to us. It’s extremely difficult to go on daily without feeling like I don’t know how this happened but it has happened and now we’re just trying to figure out how you do life without my baby boy! We all live together right now so even though he is my daughters son, I have spent everyday with my little Buddy and he was often mistaken for my little one because he looked like me and my little boy, he is the light of my life. Prayers are definitely needed . My son is only 9 and he can’t un-see or hear the screaming from that day so I am going to ask for some special prayers for Everett. The 2 of them were more like brothers and he was Everett’s little shadow he’s so devastated and lost without him.
Any tips on disassembling the pool is greatly appreciated!
I am so sorry for you lose :( Make sure to look into getting some counseling for everyone in the family. A shared burden is a bit lighter.

If there is already rust on the top rails I am willing to bet there is also rust on the bottom. I also had rust up towards the middle of the wall of the pool. We tried to remove it and paint over it but it did not last much longer. I would just plan on taking it down and letting it go to the metal people. You can leave the bottom of the liner down to protect the spot where the pool is for a future pool. The equipment can be dried out and stored without harm.
Then you are good to go to store it. Make sure it is dry, dry, dry. You can leave the liner down to protect the area the pool was in for the future.

The rail should be easy to fix up. Sand it down, prime it, then repaint it.
My goodness, this is terrible. I will send well wishes your way for quite some time. :hug:

I don't see how you'll ever want to look at that pool again. Wherever it's stored, even if you see it infrequently, you'll see it. Then, when you're one day ready for a pool again, it will still be 'that' pool, and rip the band aid off wounds that will never fully heal.

Removing emotion from the equation and speaking purely from a practical standpoint, I still don't like saving it. Moisture issues have already caused some rusting and you will at the very least need a new liner, some parts and hardware. You'll be investing considerable effort and funds in a pool with an unknown remaining lifespan at that point.
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