Sunny South African - Taming the green monster into a blue pearl

Hi Everyone,

I'm just starting out in understanding how to look after my pool and I must say, this community of supporters are awesome!

Recently moved into a new house and it came with a pool, but with problems.

The pool is very green and cloudy. Chlorine shock and algaecide treatments have not made one bit of difference, and that led me to start searching for better advice in understanding the chemistry and maintenance of the pool better before spending any more cash on chemicals.

I'm studying the SLAM article and preparing for it, but it's hard to find liquid chlorine at the stores.

Enjoying the other posts of fellow TFPs.

Kind Regards,
Pretoria, South Africa

My Pool
19K Gal (75K lt), IG , Plaster, 1/2hp motor, 350lb Sand filter, 1 Skimmer, 2 return jets, 1 drain
Fill from well and municipal service water
Hello Chris and welcome! :wave: Yes, I suspect obtaining chlorine and perhaps one of the recommended test kits may be your biggest challenges at the moment. For the test kits, we recommend either a Taylor K-2006C or TF-100. If you can order and have a TF-100 shipped to your location I would highly recommend it. Ask for the XL Option and Magnetic Speedstir as well. You can thank me later. :) By now you may have read we don't typically recommend algaecides because they tend to add copper to the water. Being on a well, you may already have iron which is another challenge. But in time we'll be happy to walk you through all of those scenarios and how best to manage them. Continue your reading and let us know if you have any further questions. Nice to have you with us.
Thank you Text Splash for the warm welcome,

Thanks for the tip on algaecide use. The pool shop tested my water today for iron and copper. None found in my water. Just posted a few questions over on Algae prevention section for help to get the algae under control after struggling and not really knowing what I'm suppose to be doing.

I'll take the advice I can get. Already started looking for a way to order a test kit.