Starting a SLAM today!

Slam is 12 FC for 30 CYA. Going over doesn't help like people thinks it does, although a little over is fine when accidentally over shooting.
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If you considered my question earlier about dumping the water and starting fresh? I don’t think that’s gonna be clear by Sunday.
When I opened from the winter we already put in several feet of water. I don’t get any leaves when I use the net. I’m hoping it will clear. May be wishful thinking!
Finally getting some consistent FC numbers. I’ve been able to get it up to 12ppm. CC is under .5ppm. Water is looking better. Thanks for the help everyone. Hopefully we’ll be clear in a day or 2.
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I’m on day 4 of good FC numbers,(FC up to 12 and then drops to 7 or 8 overnight) but they always drop through the day and don’t hold over night. The water is also still not clear. So I continue SLAMing or could it be my circulation is bad? I’ve been cleaning my cartridge filter every other day.
I’m on day 4 of good FC numbers,(FC up to 12 and then drops to 7 or 8 overnight) but they always drop through the day and don’t hold over night. The water is also still not clear. So I continue SLAMing or could it be my circulation is bad? I’ve been cleaning my cartridge filter every other day.
If you are losing 5ppm overnight then something organic is still in the water being consumed by that chlorine.
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As long as the pump is running and the water circulates there isn't anything more to do besides keeping the slam level up there as often as possible and brushing minimum twice daily. The one important thing to be sure of is that your CYA number is what you think it is otherwise you could be slamming with a lower FC. Has the wayer color changed any.
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As of yesterday, my CYA level was just under 30. The pump has been running 24/7. We did go in the pool yesterday and the bottom was pretty clean although there are still acorns that I’m finding. I will brush more and keep running my robot. The water is looking cleaner and not as green. Still a little cloudy.
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How many gallons of chlorine should I except to go through? I'm already at 16-18.
Dunno how big your pool is, mine is a 25k gal, I go through 4-5 gal at a time adding for a slam, 2-3 times a day for a few days. You can add as much as you need to to get up to SLAM level. I normally aim for about 20 chlorine level, which 4-5 gal will do. Per the slam guide, youll be doing this multiple times a day. Its not uncommon for me to go through 20-30 gal of what I buy for a SLAM.

As a few have suggested, your pool doesnt look that big. maybe drain even partly, SLAM and then refill, . Itll be faster, maybe cheaper than that much chlorine.
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maybe drain even partly, SLAM and then refill, . Itll be faster, maybe cheaper than that much chlorine.
There is no reason to drain if they have started the slam. Draining/replacing is a choice best made in advance of the SLAM. Draining/replacing water during the SLAM will not make it go appreciably faster.
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Finally completed my 1st SLAM. It’s been a couple of days. My current readings

FC - 3
PH - 6.8 (just below 7 I believe)
TA - 90
CYA - 37
Temp - 76

As a 1st timer I’m just confirming what I need to do to stay ahead of the game. Water is looking nice and clear.

Pool math is saying I need to add 10lbs of borax to increase my PH. I’ll do that in the morning after I double check readings. Let me know if I’m missing anything! I appreciate all the guidance.
Finally completed my 1st SLAM. It’s been a couple of days. My current readings

FC - 3
PH - 6.8 (just below 7 I believe)
TA - 90
CYA - 37
Temp - 76

As a 1st timer I’m just confirming what I need to do to stay ahead of the game. Water is looking nice and clear.

Pool math is saying I need to add 10lbs of borax to increase my PH. I’ll do that in the morning after I double check readings. Let me know if I’m missing anything! I appreciate all the guidance.
No need for borax. The pH will rise all by itself in a couole days.

Also, your CYA is 40. 😉
Finally completed my 1st SLAM
Do you want the algae back ? 👇

+ Recent daily loss
+ 1 or 2 ppm wiggle room
= stoopid clear trouble free pool.


Look how far you can safely go between high target and slam. Now look at how little wiggle room you have between low target and minimum. Always aim high.

Matter of fact. Forget minimum altogether and rename it Swampville. You'll give it the respect it deserves when you see you're dancing the line at Swampville.
Pool math is saying I need to add 10lbs of borax
You mathed or typed wrong for 8k gallons. 10 lbs is +2.2, not 0.2.

Use *1* pound.

But it's not needed as said above. It'll come up on its own.
Do you want the algae back ? 👇

+ Recent daily loss
+ 1 or 2 ppm wiggle room
= stoopid clear trouble free pool.

View attachment 582263

Look how far you can safely go between high target and slam. Now look at how little wiggle room you have between low target and minimum. Always aim high.

Matter of fact. Forget minimum altogether and rename it Swampville. You'll give it the respect it deserves when you see you're dancing the line at Swampville.

You mathed or typed wrong for 8k gallons. 10 lbs is +2.2, not 0.2.

Use *1* pound.

But it's not needed as said above. It'll come up on its own.
Ok so PH will get up on its own, but I need to add more liquid chlorine? I will do that this morning.
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Water is starting to turn clear green. I may have messed up and not added chlorine a couple days in a row. Could that have been the problem? I know I need to lower Ph.

IMG_7687.jpegCurrent readings.

FC - 6.5
PH - 8.0
TA - 100
CYA - 35
CH - 150
Temp - 74
You need to SLAM to clear the pool. Link-->SLAM Process

When you are done, you need to keep your FC in range for your CYA. You should never have a test result that is out of range. If you have to dose FC above range, so that when you test you are in range, then you should do that. Link-->FC/CYA Levels

You allowed your FC to get too low for your CYA and algae took over.
Man that’s tough as I just finished my 1st SLAM a couple weeks ago. Learning in the go I suppose. Hopefully it goes faster than the 1st time.

Following the SLAM process I need to lower my PH 1st and then start the SLAM?
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