(Spray) Painted Coping...

Jun 22, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
Hello All! I've seen a few threads here and there about painting coping and figured I toss my tale in here.

Pool was built in 2003, and We bought the house in 2011. The pool came with white coping. In 2013 we replaced the original blue "kissing birds" liner (Pic 1) with a tan "stone" liner (it was popular in the early 00's and promised Caribbean blue/green water) (Pic 2). Before the tan liner went in, my (now late) husband painted the coping gray with some special coping paint from the pool store. It held up well for 10 years and was just starting to show age. Fast forward to 2024: I just had the liner replaced this month. I decided to go with a dark blue print on a black liner (As the tan liner faded - starting around year 3 -- it faded to almost complete white. By year 10 - there was little color under the water. And every year it took longer and longer to get to a comfortable temperature).

Anyway - While the gray coping would be fine (it matched the concrete pool deck) - it was showing age and would need to be repainted, so I decided "why not repaint something fun". I choose a Navy blue color. After consulting a few pool builders - and a couple of friends - I decided to roll the dice with spray paint. It took 3 coats (it was actually ok with two - but I added the 3rd to be safe) of color and I added 2 coats of sealer. All in a Satin finish. One can of spray paint usually got me about 1/2 of the coping - so 2 cans/coat were used.

It was a labor of love but I think it looks great with the new liner. I will say - time will tell about durability. At least with spray paint - it's easy enough to touch up. I did spend a ton of time taping and blocking and still ended up with over spray all over the pool deck. That was a bigger pain to clean up than the actual painting - and it's still not 100% clean - but overall - I'm happy with the results. There is one TINY caveat: (and I knew this.. I KNEW THIS) -- Dark paint shows everything. Every spec of dirt - every scuff of pollen. ALL OF IT. So - my OCD is constantly wiping down the coping but honestly - it's the price I'll pay for the cohesive look.

Thanks for letting me share!

Kissing birds liner with white coping

Tan liner - year 1 -- with gray coping

Various steps of spray painting the coping

IMG_8352 copy.jpg
Look at how faded that liner got at year 10!

One Coat In

Two Coats + Sealer - Please ignore the overspray - clean it up while not trashing the coping job has been a work in progress!!



Final Product - the liner guy finished up today and we're about 8 inches of water in the shallow. Fingers crossed we'll be in it by Monday!!!

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Reactions: newdude and Bperry
What brand spray paint did you use? Rustoleum?