Solar cover recommendation??

I buy whatever I can afford, from wherever I can get it. That has never been Amazon. My last cover I spotted when I was walking around the neighborhood. I RAN home, got the car, and successfully completed my first curb garbage dive.

They last a few years and then, the chlorine wins and the bubbles start coming off and they start to rip. So, get what you can afford, I have had all the different colors and I can't state one is better than another

About that 10 degree plan. What I have come to expect from the cover is that it will keep some stuff out of the pool until you take the cover off and dump it back It will help to reduce temperature loss at night. It will heat the first 12 inches or so of the water during the day BUT the rest of the pool will be cold. Expect a few, 2-3, degrees of heat.

Your best bet is to get the cover and couple it with some solar panels. That's where you will see real temperature rise
I totally agree with f3justusc 100%. I've had several different covers over the years (including a top-end premium one). The best only lasted about 1yr longer than the others despite costing roughly 3X as much. So, I now buy the inexpensive ones every couple of years (Side effect is, you don't mind tossing it, after only 2 or 3yrs, as much as the expensive ones ... lol). Look at it as a periodic maintenance fee :cool:. Just my 2 cents ... Good Luck!!!
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