Small biometric safe for Pool Cover Key


Bronze Supporter
Jul 10, 2018
Do any of you know of a small biometric safe to store your pool cover key in?
Obviously I could just put it up on a shelf, or something, but I want to be more secure than that..
I also want to allow friends and family the ability to use the pool when we are gone without worrying about the wrong people getting in.
So if I had fingerprints from all the adults I trust I would feel much more comfortable.
Ideally it would be like the size of a ipad mini or something either able to be wall mounted or something like that...

Ok, I'll bite. What advantages would this have over a $10 combination lock key safe?
Numbers can be shared... I dont want to be concerned that when we leave for a weekend that a neighbor gets a little tipsy and shares the code, then suddenly there are others there we arent privy to. There is nothing inherently bad with combinations or key locks etc, I just want to be more careful and secure than that.

The bluetooth one is a little more interesting... id want to be able to change it through wifi away from home network though.
My phone doesn't recognize my pruny fingerprints, so I wouldn't want anything pool related relying on a fingerprint. I would go with a combo you can change easily or link it up with arlo or blink to notify you when someone opens it.
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