Slamming my pool help please

so weird about your siggy! It seems as if about 1/3 of your posts has it ???? No idea why for me

We will figure that out also in a while I bet! LOL

You really seem to have a good handle on what you are doing. I am also going to point you to a nifty area of TFP:

Pool School - Table of Contents

This is where I get my links from. You are going to out pace me in a short while LOL This way you will not have to wait for me to show up. BUT make sure to ask any and all questions as you have them! NO question is too small or silly.


- - - Updated - - -

D, if the goal is to lower TA you should push your PH down to 7.2 (goal amount in Pool Math) then turn on anything that will aerate the water......fountains, waterfalls, turn the returns so they face up and roll the water good. This will all push the PH back up.

-Take PH up to 7.8 as fast as you can.

-Push PH down to 7.2 using M.A.

Do this over and over and it will take the TA down some at a time. It is a process that will take a little time (how much I have no idea).


Hello Kim

i sent a message about running all them different things fountain and etc.

it probably got lost some where.

what do I do if I do not have anything to aerate with?
But the way I am looking at it, I notice in the mornings if I check it in the mornings my pH is like 7.6
my pool does not run at night. So that is why my pH is good

Then the pump runs most of the day and my pH can be any where between 7.8 to 8.0

so tell me if I am wrong:)

i feel like my pool is aerating great so will it hurt for me to go ahead and lower pH and TA with pump running?
Do I need to build a fountain or something?

Thank you so kindly D:)
You can swim after 15 mins of the pump running to mix it in good.

I only have one return that I turn up so it rolls the water good when I want to push my PH up. Use what you have. It will work. It might be a little slower but it will work.

OR you can do LOTS of cannon balls!
Cannon balls hurt haha

Hey Kim these are my totals for today

9:30 am

FC 3.5
CC. 0
pH. 7.6
TA 120

I did not add anything just wanted to see how totals were going

Retest 5:50

FC. 1.5. Added 58 ozs bleach
CC 0
pH 7.6 Added 32 ozs .muriatic acid
TA 110

Retest at 7:30 pm

FC. 5.0
CC 0
pH 7.4
TA 90

Question do I run the pump all night


kim you are a jewel
LOL :sun: that is me! NO wait this is me :kim: (I so love her)

You can run the pump at night to work on the PH but that is up to you. I am seeing some nice dropping on the TA. Our goal right now is to get it to 80 then see what you PH does with calm water. Turn your returns so they do not move the top of the water at all.

Your PH should be stable at a set point when you find the TA it likes. Notice we put a range in our charts AND they are only suggestions as each pool is so different.

Once your TA gets to 80 lets get you PH at 7.5 and see what it does without any input from you or the rolling water.

LOL :sun: that is me! NO wait this is me :kim: (I so love her)

You can run the pump at night to work on the PH but that is up to you. I am seeing some nice dropping on the TA. Our goal right now is to get it to 80 then see what you PH does with calm water. Turn your returns so they do not move the top of the water at all.

Your PH should be stable at a set point when you find the TA it likes. Notice we put a range in our charts AND they are only suggestions as each pool is so different.

Once your TA gets to 80 lets get you PH at 7.5 and see what it does without any input from you or the rolling water.


Thanks Kim, I ran the pump last night and the ph was up 2 7.4 to 7.6. When I don't run the pool at night it goes down 2

my return I cannot move it comes straight out but it really moves the top of our water. I am adding more water to see if that will help calm the flow

fc. 4.5
cc. 0
ph. 7.6
ta. 90. Added 27ozs muriatic acid

i will let you know
What was the testing results on your fill water (everything except CYA as that has to be added so will not be in tap water)?

You say your return is straight out.......hummmmmmmmm there is no "eyeball" on it? Can you take and share a picture of it?


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I sent you the totals before adding water and after I did not test FC did t need too?

FC 4.0
CC 0
Ph 7.2
TA 80

After adding water

Ph. 7.2
TA 90

We took the light off years ago so it is straight
I will try and take picture


Kim here are two pictures
image.jpgfirst one is at the top of this post sorry.

My totals now are

FC. 3.5. Added 35 ozs bleach
CC. 0
pH. 7.4
TA 80 if you go with when it turns I would say red
90. If you go with one more drop and it's a bright pink

CSI. -0.26. Pool math says -0.7 not understand this do I worry with this ?

Thanks again

- - - Updated - - -


Kim here are two pictures
image.jpgfirst one is at the top of this post sorry.

My totals now are

FC. 3.5. Added 35 ozs bleach
CC. 0
pH. 7.4
TA 80 if you go with when it turns I would say red
90. If you go with one more drop and it's a bright pink

CSI. -0.26. Pool math says -0.7 not understand this do I worry with this ?

Thanks again

Sorry Kim, the first one is to show my water flow.
The second is my straight return. Haha
If you become a supporting member as seen at the top of the page one of the things you get is more photo storage. You can also use photo bucket or such to share using the img tag.

You say "We took the light off years ago so it is straight" I do not understand what you had a light on the return???

What I am looking for is if you can put an eyeball on the return to control the direction of the flow. That will help many things in your pool.

Kim yes we had a light where the return is and it stop working we have no ideal what we did with the attachments but you can screw something on there.

Did you get my total s and pool on last post?

Do you stop at the dark color before the bright pink?

The pictures are the water flow it will not let me post another I did to many of one sorry

You have a couple of pic choices.

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I have been outside all morning trying to beat the heat. I am in cooling off and eating before I head back out to finish.

The TA test...........when it turns and STAYS turned to a reddish color you call it.

Now we need to get your return under control so you can control your PH better. Look at these. See if you have anything like this around. You might have to go to a pool store (best bet so you can return it if it does not fit)

pool return eyeball - Google Search

Hey Kim cooling off way to go.
Yes my husband found something that shoots up like one of them

At 6:45pm

FC 2.5. Added. 35 ozs bleach
CC. 0
pH. 7.6
TA. 80

He had put that thing on the return but had not been on very long

I did not add anything for ph or ta. Cause I think it is good. Right!!

Keep it right here. Right

Sorry si late but been budy also.
We don't want it shooting up. We want it angled so that it pushed the water around the pool. Your PH is just right. When you roll the water it pushed the PH up.

You seemed to have found the sweet spot for the PH and TA.

I put ping pong balls in the pool to help me know how the water is moving from the return. You want it kind of angled towards the middle of the wall but so that it will push the water all the way around the pool back to the skimmer.


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