SLAM processs adding liquid clorine

Understand that you have a rather sizable pool. Especially our neck of the woods. It's going to take a lot of time for all of the dead algae to get filtered out, even with a DE filter.

x2 on making sure every bit of the pool and all equipment is scrubbed thoroughly. Definitely pop open the filter and blast out all of the nasty old DE in there.
Thanks all, SLAM is super process and I feel I am very close now to finish SLAM.

Please see attachment for my latest pictures.
I can see my 3.5 ft to 4 ft end bottom very clearly. But 9 ft side I see robot and main drain white hole but it's little blurry.

Should I wait for 9ft end to look all clear? I will continue checking my FC level overnight test and combine chlorine test. Those test are close just want to make sure pool crystal clean before I declare SLAM completed.

I am asking this because, it's salt pool and running on dummy cell. Should I add salt cell and salt now? Or I should wait for few more days?

Thanks everyone for help and support


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Thanks all, SLAM is super process and I feel I am very close now to finish SLAM.

Please see attachment for my latest pictures.
I can see my 3.5 ft to 4 ft end bottom very clearly. But 9 ft side I see robot and main drain white hole but it's little blurry.

Should I wait for 9ft end to look all clear? I will continue checking my FC level overnight test and combine chlorine test. Those test are close just want to make sure pool crystal clean before I declare SLAM completed.

I am asking this because, it's salt pool and running on dummy cell. Should I add salt cell and salt now? Or I should wait for few more days?

Thanks everyone for help and support
Definitely getting better 👍🏻
You want to continue the
SLAM Process until you are crystal clear - even in the deep end & you have passed the
Overnight Chlorine Loss Test.
You can add your salt whenever you like - be sure you test your current salt level before adding any salt. Allow the salt to circulate for 24 hours before turning on the swg. You can remove the dummy & put the real cell in anytime you like just leave it turned off while dissolving salt & slamming.
I am done with the slam. My water is all crystal clean. CC is 0 and overnight FC loss less than 1ppm.

My pool is salt water and running ok dummy cell.
Shall I add salt now? And after dissolving salt add salt cell?



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I am done with the slam. My water is all crystal clean. CC is 0 and overnight FC loss less than 1ppm.

My pool is salt water and running ok dummy cell.
Shall I add salt now? And after dissolving salt add salt cell?

Add salt to the pool and brush it around to dissolve. Keep the pumping running for 24 hours, and if you have a pool robot/cleaner you can throw it into the mix as well. After 24 hours your salt cell can be added to the system.
My pool is crystal clean. I had passed overnight chlorine test and CC was 0.

I added salt and salt cell. It's running since 24 hrs.

Today when ran test for FC. It shows FC 0. My salt level is normal and its 3800.

I see some white dusty particles at the bottom of the pool. When I brush, It form some couldy dusty particles.

Please suggest what should I do here
Does SWCG show generation? Do you see any bubbles coming out of pool returns?
Add Liquid Chlorine immediately while you troubleshoot.

Once you get your FC stable, and have confirmed you don't have algae via another OCLT, I recommend doing an Overnight Chlorine GAIN Test.
This is where you test the FC after the sunlight is no longer impacting the pool surface (~say 9pm), test FC, record results.
Before sunlight can impact the surface in the morning (~say 6am), test again.

With the SWCG, you should see positive increase in FC. If not - you either still have an algae issue or your SWCG is not functioning properly.

Algae can consume FC faster than a SWCG can create it.
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My pool is crystal clean. I had passed overnight chlorine test and CC was 0.

I added salt and salt cell. It's running since 24 hrs.

Today when ran test for FC. It shows FC 0. My salt level is normal and its 3800.

I see some white dusty particles at the bottom of the pool. When I brush, It form some couldy dusty particles.

Please suggest what should I do here
The salt water chlorinator takes a while add chlorine. You can’t start at zero and expect it to keep up. Adding enough liquid to get it up to at least 5ppm depending on what your CYA level is.
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It is IC40 cell and I don't know %. Currently it's running 24x7
That's huge. It could be 24 hours at 100%, or at 8%. Check the output lights on the unit. If the lights are blinking it's 2/4/6/8/10 % and if they're solid it's 20/40/60/80/100%
The salt water chlorinator takes a while add chlorine. You can’t start at zero and expect it to keep up. Adding enough liquid to get it up to at least 5ppm depending on what your CYA level is.
I will check my CYA and keep my FC to 5ppm minimum for a while. Do I need to do anything for that while particles on ground.
It is IC40 cell and I don't know %. Currently it's running 24x7. New IC40 installed yesterday
If your pool is 45000/42000 gallons (massive btw) then your cell is quite undersized for your pool & will struggle to keep up in the summer. The max it will ever produce in your pool volume is 4ppm/day running 24/7 @100%.
You would fare alot better with an ic60. Any possibility you can return it & get the ic60 cell?
For now get fc to high target for your cya with liquid chlorine asap.
Speaking of… what is your current cya?
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That's huge. It could be 24 hours at 100%, or at 8%. Check the output lights on the unit. If the lights are blinking it's 2/4/6/8/10 % and if they're solid it's 20/40/60/80/100%
Ok lights are not blinking. I will check % tomorrow during day light
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