size, shape considerations

An FC loss of 1.5 overnight is a bit more than you would expect for a perfectly sanitized pool. I recommend raising your FC levels to 15 with bleach and keeping it there for the weekend. And perform an OCLT on Sunday night. That should knock out anything minor you have. It could have been bad stuff in your pipes that isn't being killed by your normal FC levels.

Keep your pump on low 24/7 and cell at 50%. I expect your FC to go up with that setting from the bleach obtained 50%. If it does dual back the % but keep the pump on for continuous circulation.

Also do the test of the water of the return water for 100% confirmation of the Cell producing chlorine. I'll go test my "bubble" water to just for tickles and giggles.

So that will be up to just past half of SLAM levels and still fine to swim.
Just tested my bubble water and it shows the same FC as my pool water. Surely not a scientific test and apparently one not worth doing. I'd seen several people suggest it but I won't. It doesn't give the result I thought it would.
I'm completely new to pool ownership, and hope maybe a Circupool RJ owner may find this question...

I have been running my pump at 2000 RPM at my SWG at 50%. When i set the pump I stayed at the equipment pad to be sure that the flow rate didn't go down so far to prevent my SWG from generating chlorine, but for about 10 minutes the "Generating" light stayed illuminated, so I felt like it was all good.
At dusk this afternoon I was check g everything before the night and noticed that the Generating light was not on. It would come back on if I increased the SWG power percentage from 50% to around 90% or higher, but if I lowered it back down it went off again.

Can anyone one help me understand this?
Not having a Circupool but understanding how SWG's work, I will say that cells run for the specified % of every hour (or other period) to reach the desired set point. For the period during which you visited your pool at dusk, the % of runtime had been met. So it makes sense that when you increased the %, it had then not been met and thus it turned on. When you lowered it, it knew that it had, again, already been met. So it turned the cell back off. Sounds perfectly normal. This is all assuming that the cell is working correctly, which we are separately testing/working through.

Were you thinking something else was taking place? Sometimes I'm not clear on exactly what users are thinking should be happening when they ask a certain question so I don't want to assume I've answered your question.

Speaking of your cell working, did you happen to test FC any yesterday to see if it was holding or rising, to show an indication of the cell working?
I thought that it would produce the desired percentage steadily while the flow switch was activated. Sort of like the pump running at a lower speed. But what you said makes perfect sense.

I dkd check it at it at the end of the day. We had our family in the pool for about 6 hours of the day and it was sunny all day. The SWG was at 50% and the pump was running at 2000 RPM. In the morning I added 10% bleach to get my FC level to 15. At 7:00 pm the level was 14. I added only what I would need to get back to 15 for the night.

I havent checked it today, but we haven't been in the pool at all today. Was planning on doing OCLT tonight.
It could have been bad stuff in your pipes that isn't being killed by your normal FC levels.

Just to add a little information to this thought. My pool build was unconventional. My builder started last year and it wasn't too long before I had let him go and finish the build myself. My point being that, all the lines were plumbed last Fall to where the pad is located, but were open to the weather all winter. So there was probably all nature of bad junk in the lines. Then, probably to make things worse, I filled my pool a couple of days before the pump was hooked up to electricity, so other that me stirring some pool shock around, nothing ran through the pipes.

It it never occurred to me that I could have pumped in algae or anything else in small concentrations. I appreciate the help and hope we are well in the way to knocking it out. This has given me assurance that (1) my pipes don't leak and (2) that my SWG is making chlorine. Those are are good places to start. lol

We may get rain tonight, does that mess up doing OCLT?
If you receive enough rain it could affect the test. Though it would only make the FC go down. So if it stays at .5 loss or less then the passing test is still valid.

Rain has very little effect at all though generally.

Remember to shut off the SWG before making your evening OCLT water test.

I do think the the pipes likely had good stuff in them with the process you had to endure.

Glad to hear the cell is working and we'll see soon enough if you have any other uses of FC still in your pool. It wouldn't be too surprising if it still fails. Your usage by my gut still feels a little high based on cell % and time but we'll get into that later.
Ok, so I have had my pump on 23 hours a day at 3250 rpm and the SWG set at 50% and my chlorine level is ar 14.5 with Zero CC.
It rained a little and was overcast, so I feel like that is an indication something else is going on. Yes?
I didn't do all my other numbers with the tf100 kit, just dipped a strip to get an idea.

PH 7.8
TA 80
CH 200
CYA 100

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I have some thoughts to share, but before I do, have you been able do the follow-up OCLT with the cell off?

BTW - Trash the test strips. They will only confuse me and others trying to understand your results. We rely on your consistent test results from your TF-100 for recommendations.
I knew I would get that reaction about the strips. :drown: LOL

The FC and the CC are from the TF-100, as have been all numbers posted here so far.
Time was short tonight. My brother-in-law had a plumbing leak and needed help.
I did not do the OCLT last night or tonight.
I will do it tomorrow night for sure.

Anything I can be doing in the meantime?
Speed can be lowered but I'd keep it flowing.
Usage still seems a bit high. But 50% at peak season means your SWG is plenty big. We'll see what the OCLT brings.
I think your CYA was at 70 earlier. Do you think it is testing variance? You haven't changed 30% of your water right? Lighting is very critical for that test. The lower CYA would also help to explain daytime FC loss to some degree.

Looking forward the the am results.

And look at you with the Pool Math app!!

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