Simple pool care is better...

Glad to be here and excited to use these methods to manage my pool chemistry.
Hi chiliwagon
Welcome to TFP as well. :wave:
++++1 on what Marty says...
If you follow the guidelines in Pool School, you'll certainly have a easy, successful and less costly pool maintenance experience.
Take care and good reading....
One question - is there any reason not to use the local pool company free water testing service? My pool is in good shape, just shifting away from the powders & tabs in favor of the methods here and the app recommendations. I test FC, pH and alkalinity with the kit I inherited with the pool. Can I test for calcium hardness and CYA through them as needed?
We find that many times pool store employees primary goal is to sell stuff, not necessarily get your pool in perfect condition. As to whether that is because of improper training, lack of knowledge or just to sell stuff I will leave up to you. While you would think that a "professional” would be the best, unfortunately in most cases it is quite the opposite.

To know what is going on with your pool we need accurate test results we can trust, and those don't come from a pool store. We base our pool care system on a pool owners testing and only adding what the pool needs, when it needs it. To do that you need your own proper test kit. Order a TF100 test kit It is the best value for the residential pool owner.
Welcome to TFP!

Pool stores have proven to be incredibly unreliable sources of water testing, second only to test strips. Unfortunately there isn't really a benefit for them to be accurate, so long as the customer trusts them and buys from them that's all it takes. The truth is that most customers will never question them and just assume they are reliable, which is why you asked after all. But once you break it down for what it is, a free service offered to bring customers in to the store and convince them to buy things, you see why it's not something to trust. "You get what you pay for" so to speak.

And really, who has more vested interest in your pool than you? We trust a new person on their first attempt to run the tests more than a pool store because experienced or not they want to get it right. Test results dictate everything that comes after that, good results lead to good care.