Side of pool?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 22, 2017
Indianapolis, IN

i am not sure if this is a problem or not? I believe this was like this when we bought house last summer. I don’t think it has gotten worse, but I haven’t measured it or anything. As you can see in pictures on the side in a small area bows out. It cannot be pushed in. Is there anything we should do, or is it OK to leave it like that?

Thanks for any suggestions.



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Yes it is a problem. Your liner has come loose from the combing. Do not allow anyone to use the pool until you fix it. It helps if two people work together to fix it. Using a teapot of very hot water, SLOWLY pour over the liner to warm it up. Working from the other end, if you are in the pool, hold the combing with your fingers, push the top of the liner up and in. Have your buddy hold the other end in place or it may continue to work its way loose. Occasionally stop and pour hot water over the liner. The liner must be very warm to do this. Do not worry about getting water behind the liner, it will drain out.

While you can use a hair dryer to apply heat, it is not advisable to apply heat that way. First very dangerous, hair dryers and water do not mix. Second, if you hold it in one spot for even a moment too long you can melt the liner.
It could if someone accidentally grabbed it or rubbed it hard. Jumping and diving can cause a suction on the side of the pool which also could pull it loose. Plus, splashing around could get more water behind it than you want. A small amount like a teapot is of no consequence. A large amount could result in a bulge in your liner and you could end up with a wrinkle in your liner once the water creating the bulge drains away.

Two years ago, while my pool was covered, the liner pulled loose for a distance of about 2 feet forming a sort of funnel. Rain over the previous week filled the pool until it drained behind the liner. I ended up with a 6” high bulge about 3 feet in diameter in the deep end of my pool. The water eventually went away but I ended up with a wrinkle about a foot long.

I want to warn you that the vinyl will be hard to stretch back into place even after you heat it up. That said, it would be almost impossible to stretch it if you don’t heat it up. Your finger mucles are going to get a workout.
It could if someone accidentally grabbed it or rubbed it hard. Jumping and diving can cause a suction on the side of the pool which also could pull it loose. Plus, splashing around could get more water behind it than you want. A small amount like a teapot is of no consequence. A large amount could result in a bulge in your liner and you could end up with a wrinkle in your liner once the water creating the bulge drains away.

Two years ago, while my pool was covered, the liner pulled loose for a distance of about 2 feet forming a sort of funnel. Rain over the previous week filled the pool until it drained behind the liner. I ended up with a 6” high bulge about 3 feet in diameter in the deep end of my pool. The water eventually went away but I ended up with a wrinkle about a foot long.

I want to warn you that the vinyl will be hard to stretch back into place even after you heat it up. That said, it would be almost impossible to stretch it if you don’t heat it up. Your finger mucles are going to get a workout.

Thanks for your help! Like I said before, I am going to try this weekend. Keeping fingers crossed!
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