Should I close? Unusually warm, water still 68 degrees.

May 21, 2014
Usually by this time of year the water is at 60 and I close using TFP recommendations and have a crystal clear pool in the spring.
But today the water is still warmer than usual and I am getting some CC which is almost always at 0.

FC 14
CC 1
pH 7.6
TA 100
CH 200
CYA 70 (I know, too high)

My plan was to dump in polyquat 32 oz, circulate overnight, drain, blow lines, and cover tomorrow.

Is this still going to give me a good result in the spring?

I would wait until the water is at 60 or below. Then again, this will be my first time closing my pool. Algae don't like cold water so the colder your pool is the better. Have you done an overnight fc loss test. Your CC is a tab tab bit high. It shouldn't be greater than 0.5. Also, out of curiosity, have you SLAMMed your pool yet? I believe that was one of the directions to close your pool following TFP method was to SLAM it....before adding polyquat.

I'll let someone chime in here shortly to give my insight on what you should do.
Is this still going to give me a good result in the spring?


To answer your question with certainty, either positive or not would be a false statement. A cc of 1 indicates that you have something in the pool and it should be cleaned up. A full SLAM should be performed and then you can close your pool. You could close your pool, but open up real early and deal with any problems that may surface. Your pool cover will determine a lot on what happens over the next month before the water becomes real cold. Adding Poly 60 with a cc of 1 is not a good idea. Push back your closing until you clean the pool up.

Always, I close my pool when water is 65 degrees without any problems. This year, I may leave open for another month just because of time constraints. Timer is on for 2 hours only.
Can you wait until your temps drop a bit more? Just circulate the water until then I suspect in 4 weeks you will be fine. That is when I will close. My water drops to right around 70 in a week with the heater off. But I cranked it up this week back to 90 so we could swim last night. I'll try to swim a few more times and then the temps should let it drift under 60 and all will be great for winter closing.
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