Sand In My Pool

June NJ

New member
Sep 12, 2023
New Jersey
This is the 3rd year i can't seem to get the sand out of my pool. We tried repairing what we thought was a crack in our sand filter, and then this year, we replaced the whole filter. STILL have sand in the pool. We have removed all the sand by vacuuming out to the sewer so it didn't go back through the system, and it keeps showing up. At this point, I may just want to convert to a cartridge. Does anyone know what the issue could be?
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Some things to consider:
1 - Are you sure it's sand? Is it gritty like sand? Important to know as sometimes organic material can look somewhat similar. Sometimes you can place a thin sock or nylon over a return jet to try and capture some.
2 - What brand of pool sand are you using? They are not all the same quality and some types of sand have been known to slip through the lateral assembly in the filter.
3 - Is the material always blowing into the pool, or only after a backwash? A thorough rinse is very important after the backwash.

Let's discuss this with more Q & As and we'll try to help you get this resolved.
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