Sand filter leaking -- advice on replacing


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 2, 2008
western Wisconsin
Our Hayward S200 sand filter is leaking from hairline cracks in the plastic near the dome. Apparently, Hayward no longer makes the top half of the filter, so replacing just the leaking part isn't an option. Fortunately, our Centurian B128 1hp pump still works, so we're looking at replacing the filter only (ha). A couple questions:

1) Are there better options than another Hayward S200? I've also looked at a Pentair TR-60, which moves more water and has 50# more sand. I think it would work with our pump, pipes and the space we have. But I'm wondering if it could use the Hayward 1.5" Vari-flow valve, or would we need to buy another valve?

2) Is this something we could do, or is it better to have a pro do it? What level of experience would we need?

3) If I'm having trouble with fine dust, is it worth the extra money to get a DE filter? If so, which would be the best for our pump and pool size?

Thanks for your advice!
Hi there fellow S200 hairline crack buddy! I have the same issue. [deleted as possibly misleading] I think I'm just going to replace it.

I think in my next life I'm getting a cartridge filter.
Filters are a pressure vessel. Trying to seal up a compromised filter is not very safe. The internal pressure can cause a cracked filter to explode. Best to replace instead of trying to patch.
Filters are a pressure vessel. Trying to seal up a compromised filter is not very safe. The internal pressure can cause a cracked filter to explode. Best to replace instead of trying to patch.
In my case it is the spot between the cap that screws off and not an actual crack but the point still stands, it's better to replace a compromised filter.
I guess your first decision is: sand, DE or cartridge

The bigger the filter the less you have to clean or backwash it. How often are you needing to clean/backwash your present filter?

If you have every considered storingthe filter inside in thewinter, a cartridge filter may be a good consideration - drain, clean, disconnect and carry it inside.
I wouldn't want to store the pool filter inside -- we definitely don't have room, and our garage freezes solid. So I think that's out.

I am debating between sand and DE, so I'm looking for an appropriate DE filter suggestion so I can compare prices.

Also wondering about the Hayward vs Pentair. Are they all pretty much the same? The Pentairs would have a higher gpm, which I think would mean faster cleaning of algae, dust, etc. They also have more sand by 50#, but I'm not sure what the benefit is there.
A cartridge filter can stay outside too - was just mentioning storing inside in case that was a consideration.

As for brands, it's pretty much a Ford vs Chevy kind of thing. But bigger is usually better - a 30" sand filter will need less frequent backwashing than a 20" sand filter.

Sand vs DE is also a personal preference. Consider where you can backwash (or clean the grids off) for a DE filter. For either sand or DE, seriously consider a multi-port valve vs the standard push/pull bachwash valve - much more versatile.
Are we being significantly hobbled by our small pump (1 hp)? Or by our 1 1/2" pipes? What would the ideal setup be like -- new pump and new filter, new pipes to connect them?

At one point, I think the pool guy downgraded our pump to 1 hp. Maybe so it interfaced with the pipes/filter better?

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Your pump probably isn't hobbling you down. As for the pipes - 1 .5" to 2" pipes are pretty common. Changing from 1.5 to 2 inch won't make a significant improvement.

Do you happen to know the make and model number of the pump? And if the motor has been replaced, the make amd model of that too.
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