Salt water pool over shocked


Jul 12, 2020
San Diego
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Salt water 24,000 gal infinity pool

Pool guy on vacation (returns in 2 weeks) but over shocked pool due to some mustard/algae prior to leaving and that was 9 days ago...
SWG- off
No chlorine floaters
No cover on pool
No morning sun due to clouds approx 6 hours of sunlight
Day 1 pool pump on for 24 hours after that 8 hours day

Water was always clear and now mustard/algae gone

Today I had water tested at leslie's pool since we wanted to swim but make sure we could;

FC & TC= 8.42 (yep no way swimming in that)
PH =7.5
TA =90
Salt 4000ppm

Air 75 Water 78

Pool was tested prior to shock all chems were good in range we were told

Do we just wait it out for chlorine to drop?
+1 to what @Newdude said...

IF you have that much CYA in your pool, you cannot get enough FC and keep it to sanitize the pool. We don't use/trust pool store testing, it is often inaccurate.

I would order a test kit today...we need good test result to know what the actual CYA is...The drop kits are the gold standard for testing.

I'm sorry to say, but you will likely be replacing a fair amount of your pool water to reduce your CYA to levels that you CAN keep enough FC to sanitize the pool...

We're here to help but you'll have to take on some of the responsibility of caring for your pool. Your pool guy can't properly maintain your pool with weekly visits. He's using tablets to try to provide enough chlorine to get your pool through the week. Tablets are not a sustainable means of chlorination as your CYA level demonstrates.

If you add a salt water generator (SWG) you can do away with the tablets and your pool will gets its fix of FC daily. The pool guy can still come once a week and dump some acid in the pool and pretend to brush, but you really won't need him. You just need a good test kit and a few minutes of time each day to maintain the pool.

Best wishes!
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At first, the advice here will seem weird. I can't stress enough how this site will change your life (for the better). Don't let the steep learning curve (for some) throw you off. The methods taught here are easy, cheap, and most importantly safe to swim in. I'm now afraid to swim in other people's pools unless I know they manage it correctly.
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Hey Salty and Welcome !!!

The irony here is I agree for an entirely different reason. It's far too *low* FC.

Have a read.
FC/CYA Levels

If you'd like to take control of your pool, you need reliable home testing.
Test Kits Compared

We will happily walk you through the
Pool Care Basics
Hi and thank you...
Weird 2 people (that run their own pools like mine) told me not to swim in it at all since is need to be no higher than FC 5ppm.
Chemistry, water both a no thank you for me to do.
Thanks for the links too but my brain just shut down.
I was trying to read why over shocking a pool would send everything bonkers..then I just got so over whelmed!
Salt water pool has not even had a problem like this as far as I know.
Granddaughter wanted to go swimming tomorrow but can't say yes to that yet.
At first, the advice here will seem weird. I can't stress enough how this site will change your life (for the better). Don't let the steep learning curve (for some) throw you off. The methods taught here are easy, cheap, and most importantly safe to swim in. I'm now afraid to swim in other people's pools unless I know they manage it correctly.
I am afraid of screwing it up more----not my gig at all
Granddaughter wanted to go swimming tomorrow but can't say yes to that yet.
No matter what else you need to see bottom for safety purposes.

I am afraid of screwing it up more----not my gig at all
Trust me, you won't be even close to our worst student. Not even thousands and thousands of members close to it.

Everybody says they can't and we hold their hand until they get it. You don't even have to understand a thing yet, just post up drop based test results and we'll tell you everything at every step.

We'll save you a ton of money, and you won't believe how clear the pool is. You said you're fried today. I get that. Scroll these pics though.

How Clear is TFP Clear?
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We're here to help but you'll have to take on some of the responsibility of caring for your pool. Your pool guy can't properly maintain your pool with weekly visits. He's using tablets to try to provide enough chlorine to get your pool through the week. Tablets are not a sustainable means of chlorination as your CYA level demonstrates.

If you add a salt water generator (SWG) you can do away with the tablets and your pool will gets its fix of FC daily. The pool guy can still come once a week and dump some acid in the pool and pretend to brush, but you really won't need him. You just need a good test kit and a few minutes of time each day to maintain the pool.

Best wishes!
Thanks and for the info..
The (1) tablet used in the trough of the back- the infinity edge. (I was not clear about that before ) That made a huge (good) difference that was implemented years ago.
We do have a SWG and that is what he does do that until we just had some issues with mustard algae. Which that was a 1st for us.
I don't ever remember having to over shock the pool before.
The reason I do have a pool guy I don't want to learn all of this..I was just hoping there was an easy fix until he returned. Apparently not.
thanks again...
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Well that's that might be crazy part >>>the water was never cloudy. Just mustard/algae on side of in pools walls and in Jacuzzi. Not even a lot of it.
Maybe Ill at least buy something to test the water and post results to start -I say reluctantly .....
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Maybe Ill at least buy something to test the water and post results to start
muppets kermit GIF
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Hello Salty1:

A little tough love...... You are not using your pool while you wait for a guy who only comes once per week (when he is not on vacation) to try to "fix" the "mess" he created. Kind of crazy, right?

No one, and I mean NO ONE, will care about your pool more than you will. You are more than halfway to being out of this mess since you have a SWG and found TFP. Here is the hitch to get you the rest of the way home - it will involve a little work, a little knowledge and a very little bit (relative to the pool guy) of money for a test kit.

Sure, it all seems daunting now. But there are a lot of good folks here who have helped literally thousands of people in much worse situations than yours. It is a one step at a time process. We can kick it all off by you picking up a good test kit, and running the numbers - should take about 20 minutes or so. Then just post the numbers here and someone will give you the next step and you are off to the races.

I hope you reconsider letting your pool guy handle the situation.
Salt water 24,000 gal infinity pool

Pool guy on vacation (returns in 2 weeks) but over shocked pool due to some mustard/algae prior to leaving and that was 9 days ago...
SWG- off
No chlorine floaters
No cover on pool
No morning sun due to clouds approx 6 hours of sunlight
Day 1 pool pump on for 24 hours after that 8 hours day

Water was always clear and now mustard/algae gone

Today I had water tested at leslie's pool since we wanted to swim but make sure we could;

FC & TC= 8.42 (yep no way swimming in that)
PH =7.5
TA =90
Salt 4000ppm

Air 75 Water 78

Pool was tested prior to shock all chems were good in range we were told

Do we just wait it out for chlorine to drop?

Due to over whelming request I purchased a taylor water testing kit however the only one I could find in stock is a Taylor K-2005.

TC & FC=10 =0
Borate =10
CYA= well not sure since reading is under the CYA letters
Pool place reading was 171
CYA= well not sure since reading is under the CYA letters
Follow the directions in Step 8:

the only one I could find in stock is a Taylor K-2005.
That one is a good start but you also need a k-1515 for testing FC. The block test is vague at best and only tests TC which is FC + CC. 5+0=5 and 2+3=5 tell two wildly different stories. Saying the answer is 5 means nothing.

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