Round spot in new fiberglass pool


May 23, 2024
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-3)
Hi All!

We just had our pool finalized and when cleaning it from post-build stuff noticed this:

What can it be? Pool is fiberglass with salt-water chlorine generator. Chemistry seems alright - ran a test in Leslie’s and everything is within limits.

Welcome to TFP! :wave: A bit hard to tell in the photo, but we have something similar in ours. In our case, it looks like a spot where perhaps the shell was hung or held in place while they applied the gelcoat. Maybe a brace spot or something. Ours looks like a big ringworm spot with a slightly different color in the middle.
Welcome to the forum.
A bit of gel coat inconsistency. I suggest you embrace it. There is no fix that is not much more noticeable.
Thank you for all the replies!

Just to be sure: this cannot be caused by any chemicals or water quality (test are all good)?
No. Just one of the few imperfections we find from the gelcoat application process.
Thanks again. Makes me feel much better. I thought something might have got messed up either during construction or afterwards. The thing doesn’t bother me as much as a thought that we could have caused this somehow.
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