Results progression - getting there, thanks to TFP and TF-PRO


Active member
Jul 23, 2021
South Bend, IN
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
First full year with a pool coming up. Been busy the last 3 weeks - installed solar heaters and plumbing, as well as a SWCG (CircuPool Edge-40), and all the while, learning the PoolMath app and how to log effectively, and of course water chemistry and testing methods/processes thanks to threads and articles here at TFP. I started wtih a Leslie's test as I had no test kit a couple weeks ago. Leslie's TA was off by over 50, compared to TF-Pro (220 at its highest on TF-Pro, 167 from Leslies). Apparently I ddin't log the 220, but it took over a gallon of acid to get to 170 on the TF-Pro kit.

So this is Leslie's results, 11 days ago (actual test was two weeks ago, but I logged it in PoolMath 11 days ago):

Test from this morning (TA, pH, FC, TC, Salt, CYA tested; TC not shown, it's 0.5 ppm):

Test kit - yes I do in fact find that wearing the pink bunny ears leads to slightly better and more ideal test numbers. Tide goes in, tide goes out - can't explain that:

FC is higher than I intend to keep it, and I need to bump up CYA 10-20 points, due to the SWCG. I plan on keeping FC at 5-6, maintained by the SWCG and topped off with LC if needed. Still getting the hang of the CYA test, but I've added 8 lbs of stabilizer to my 16k gallon pool, so I think I'm in the ballpark. I lifted FC up a bit to "prime" the water for the SWCG, which I just turned on last night after adding 12 bags of salt throughout the morning. Lastly, pH should come up today after a full day of rain. I may have to vac to waste as my water level is getting a little higher than I want, and we're going to get an inch of rain today.

But all in all, I'm really happy with everything - the numbers are consistent and predictable. Not quite sure why I have .5 TC right now - it's cold, rainy, and crappy out for the last 4-5 days in this area, but I'll keep an eye on it and test again tomorrow. The app and the kit have made testing almost fun, or at the very least, not a burden.

For reference - my fill water is pretty high in TA - tested at 320 with the TF-Pro kit. It's also pretty high in copper and iron. I have a packet of CuLator that I haven't used. Really want to have everything in check first, and just add that to make sure I don't throw anything off that I can't quickly correct. Also, at that point, I'll be adding boric acid. I know it's more costly than Borax + MA, but I do prefer simpler if it's affordable within my budget, and boric acid seems a simpler route. I also don't like handling MA anymore than I absolutely have to.

This is an AGP with a vinyl liner, so not sure if I need to do anything for the CH or not?

Thanks for reading, and more importantly, thanks for all the great resources and input found here.

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Doing so, you look FABULOUS. Walking into Leslie's to cheat off the dumbest kid in class........ notsomuch.
Thankfully I am done with that phase of pool ownership (total visits - 3, 2 were last year and all I bought was acid).

Dark days, but I perservered.

The Bunny Ears are a reminder to hop my spry little butt out to the pool and grab a sample :D
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TC comes up alot and for anyone who doesn't know, forget it altogether. Strike it from your memory as a thing. The 9 means nothing. The 8 +1 means everything. Or the 7+2, etc.
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Everything seems to be holding steady so that's nice.

FC is jumping around a bit - just seeing where I'm at with the SWCG and essentially leaving everything alone otherwise, no added LC, cloudy skies, and no use. Started it at 10 with LC, next day it dipped to 7.0, now it's at 9.5.

Power level on the SWCG is 3 out of 8. So I think if we're not going to be using it much, we can maintain with a level of 2, but if we will be using it + sunny skies, 3 or even 4 should work depending on all factors. I definitely oversized it, and am glad I did. Plenty of room and, hopefully, not much stress on the cell. pH is holding at 7.4 and TA is a steady 80.

My CSI is a bit low, and I know my CH numbers were low but vinyl AGP and all that. Still, I may try to at least bring CSI into a more acceptable range, for the sake of the SWCG and my pump metals and such.

Cleaning robot gets here today and next week the weather is forecasting sunny and several high 70's to mid 80's days. Let's go!
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Don't mess with your CSI. A low CSI for your system will reduce the maintenance on your SWCG. Keeping your pH in the 7s will protect your system just fine.

That's great to hear. Only reason I was a little skeptical was that today mine checks in around -.9 - the current temp has a lot to do with that though if I'm using the app correctly to see how different variables change it. I'd much rather not mess with it, so if that's not bad, I'll leave it be and just focus on FC, CYA, TA and pH. Thanks for the guidance!

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I'll leave it be and just focus on FC, CYA, TA and pH. Thanks for the guidance
Skip the TA. It's great and will do its own thing from here. Once CYA is where it needs to be that can go to monthly testing so long as your FC holds. So, really, you need to test FC and PH and the rest is on autopilot. (Once the CYA is in range for SWG)
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A low CSI in pool water is considered aggressive to calcium pool surfaces or grouted tile. Aggressive water will leach (pull) calcium from plaster or grout to find a balance. Your system does not have this concern although a high CSI can cause calcium scale on the SWCG and your liner. Acidic water is an issue so keeping your pH neutral is key. Enjoy your pool. :cheers:
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Skip the TA. It's great and will do its own thing from here. Once CYA is where it needs to be that can go to monthly testing so long as your FC holds. So, really, you need to test FC and PH and the rest is on autopilot. (Once the CYA is in range for SWG)
Noted, and appreciated. I've only been closely monitoring TA because I brought it down from 220 and wanted to make sure I didn't overshoot, or that the recent ton of rain we got (2") didn't throw anything off and it appears it has not. I'm taking CYA quite slowly but I've still got about 20 to go. Also waiting for a little sunlight so I can do the test properly - sad that a dearth of sunlight is my primary blocker, but it is what it is.

Really appreciate the guidance and encouragement - thanks all!
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Just following up - for the most part, this thing seems to be running itself at this point.

TA is now at 80
pH is 7.4~7.5
CYA is up to 70, not adding any additional stabilizer at this point and chlorine only comes from LC or SWCG
FC is bouncing between 5.0 and 7.0, based on where I set the salt cell, usage, sunlight, etc...
SWCG is set at either 1 or 2 out of 8. If I could get it to 1.5, it'd be perfect, but I think I'll need to set it to 2 and reschedule the pump to just run a little less.

But basically I'm just tweaking and fiddling now. No major changes needed. After vacation, we'll add Boric Acid to square the circle and just keep swimming. Used the pool a bunch last week with our early-summer preview week in this neck of the woods and, it was glorious.

I will be posting a Vacation plan here soon, as this is our first time - and hopefully last time - we're taking a long vacation with the pool open.
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Nice work, enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Research the SWCG's cycle time duration of your SWCG when attempting to adjust run time rather than adjusting generation %.
The unit has a specific cycle time and you have set the % to only run a portion of it, 2 out of 8 or is it 10 max?. If you shorten the overall run time and in effect reduce the length of last cycle it may not reduce your daily FC production at all if your are already not generating. Hope this makes sense, it confused me just trying to type it.
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