Replacement Raypak heater installation - DIY or pro?


LifeTime Supporter
Jan 10, 2013
Eagan, Minnesota
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
I'm going to buy a replacement heater for my very old Raypak 206 model, and am trying to get feedback on if I should attempt a DIY installation or just pay the $800-$1,000 difference to have it installed professionally. I know either way I'll be bringing in an electrician to make the connection for the switch from a gas to an electonic ignition, but other than that would it be a big job if I'm reusing essentially all the existing plumbing and gas connections?

How hard a job is installing a replacement heater for an 'average' DIY'er?
Its really a matter if you want the warranty or not. If you want the warranty then you need to get it professionally installed. A professional installer should also be able to do the electric as well.
I always call an electrician and the gas company after I place a new heater..
even though, My license scope allows me to work from the electrical & down stream of regulator/or gas supply valve.

I call the gas company & electrician, to inspect the old utilities- generally they are 10+years old & I enjoy the piece of mind, as do my customers.
My thought is if you have worked with Black pipe previously it seems straight forward. everything past the union could be done with off the shelf nipples and elbows. However if a warranty is at stake, it might make sense to have someone with a gas ticket make up the connections.
What is the electrician doing to switch from a gas pilot (standing pilot??) to an electronic ignition? Does a Gas heater normally require a 120v feed? I’m new to swimming pool gas heaters. I know they have a control panel , so I assume they do need electrical service.

The PVC should be the most DIY friendly part of the install. Dry fit, leave room to cut in a new fitting, clean the burrs, and be sure to use primer and appropriate cement.
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